Chronic Wasting Disease in Idaho

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been detected in Idaho.

Chronic Wasting Disease was confirmed in Idaho on November 16, 2021. CWD is a contagious and fatal neurological disease that affects deer, elk, and moose populations. There is no cure for this fatal disease. 

CWD Status in Idaho: Detected

What is CWD?

CWD is a contagious and fatal neurological disease that affects deer, elk, and moose populations. There is no cure for this fatal disease. 
mule deer


Frequently Asked Questions More About CWD Health Resources 

Hunting and CWD

Hunters play an important role in helping monitor for CWD in Idaho. Know the rules for in-state and out-of-state hunting and how to have your harvested deer, elk, or moose tested for CWD.
big game hunter dressed in hunter orange taking aim at an animal with his rifle Ben Studer wide shot, November 2016

Rules Collect a Sample Sample Drop-off Locations Check Your Results

CWD Surveillance and Planning

Idaho Fish and Game has tested animals for CWD for more than two decades. Testing harvested deer, elk, and moose is the first line of defense in monitoring Idaho's wildlife for CWD.  
A Fish and Game staff member checks a mule deer buck lying in the back of a truck with the tailgate down

Sample Focus Areas Monitoring Efforts CWD Strategy

CWD Explained in Videos


CWD Map Showing GMU and County

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Idaho Fish and Game

Annual CWD surveillance has occurred in Idaho with help from hunters since 1997, with 18,000+ cervids (mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, and moose) sampled from around the state.

Sampling areas
