The State of Deer and Elk gives Idaho hunters and others an opportunity to see how Idaho Fish and Game biologists gather data about these important and iconic animals and use that information to manage healthy, sustainable populations that provide excellent hunting opportunity.
Hunters can learn about deer and elk management and engage with wildlife staff
A Deep Dive Into the 'State of Deer and Elk': Learn how big game season setting is done
Why does Fish and Game do this? And not do that? Add whatever your idea of what “this” and “that” is, Fish and Game’s State of Deer and Elk webpage probably has the answer. If you're curious how Fish and Game biologists manage everything from fawn monitoring to managing trophy elk hunts, get comfy, grab your favorite beverage, and watch this series.
The State of Deer and Elk: Antlerless Management (VIDEO)
Watch the twelfth episode of Fish and Game’s ‘State of Deer and Elk’ series on antlerless management in Idaho. Fish and Game Southwest Region Wildlife Manager Ryan Walrath discusses the importance of antlerless management and the role it plays in herd productivity and achieving deer and elk management objectives.
The State of Deer and Elk: Trophy Management (VIDEO)
In the eleventh episode of Fish and Game’s ‘State of Deer and Elk’ series, Fish and Game Regional Wildlife Biologist Eric Freeman discusses the different aspects of deer management, including more opportunity vs. more mature bucks.
The State of Deer and Elk: Winter Feeding (VIDEO)
In the tenth episode of Fish and Game’s ‘State of Deer and Elk’ series, Fish and Game Regional Wildlife Biologist, Miranda Reinson, discusses how and why the Department steps in to feed wintering deer and elk.
The State of Deer and Elk: Deer Harvest Management (VIDEO)
In the ninth episode of Fish and Game’s ‘State of Deer and Elk’ series, Fish and Game Regional Wildlife Biologist, Eric Freeman, discusses how wildlife biologists manage deer harvest for different scenarios, such as habitat protection, maximum herd numbers, or disease prevention.
The State of Deer and Elk: Elk Nutrition (VIDEO)
In the eighth episode of Fish and Game’s ‘State of Deer and Elk’ series, Fish and Game Regional Wildlife Habitat Biologist, Deborah Monzingo, discusses the importance of elk nutrition and the role it plays in population management.
The State of Deer and Elk: What Is CWD? (VIDEO)
In the seventh episode of Fish and Game’s ‘State of Deer and Elk’ series, Fish and Game's State Wildlife Veterinarian, Dr. Nicole Walrath, explains what CWD is and how Fish and Game is working to prevent the spread of this disease in Idaho.
The State of Deer and Elk: EHD vs. CWD (VIDEO)
In the sixth installment of Fish and Game’s ‘State of Deer and Elk’ series, Fish and Game Wildlife Health Coordinator Stacey Dauwalter explains EHD and CWD and clarifies some of the misconceptions associated with each.
State of Deer and Elk: Learn how season setting is done and how hunter input is used
In the fifth installment of Fish and Game’s State of Deer and Elk, State Wildlife Manager Rick Ward discusses how season setting works and why thoughtful input from hunters is an important step in the process.
State of Deer and Elk: Understanding survival and causes of mortality helps F&G manage deer and elk herds
Idaho Fish and Game biologists have spent decades counting and monitoring deer and elk populations, and in recent years, GPS collars have allowed them to pinpoint where and how animals die. It’s a critical part of understanding all facets of wildlife management, and a common question is often, “What kills the most deer and elk?”
State of Deer and Elk: Counting herds, and how hunters help through mandatory hunter reports
When we think of counting deer and elk, the first thing that comes to mind is biologists flying in helicopters and getting a bird’s-eye view of deer and elk herds when animals are concentrated on winter range. Many hunters assume surveys happen every year in each of Fish and Game’s 99 game management units, which unfortunately is impossible. When hunters submit their mandatory hunter reports, wildlife managers can see what may be happening in between aerial surveys.
State of Deer and Elk: Movements and migrations help define wildlife populations around the state
Fish and Game biologists gained new knowledge that helps them understand more about seasonal movements of these important game animals and better manage their populations.
Welcome to Idaho Fish and Game’s 'State of Deer and Elk'
The State of Deer and Elk is an opportunity for hunters to learn how biologists gather data about these important and iconic animals and use that information to manage healthy, sustainable populations that provide excellent hunting opportunity.