Lake Pend Oreille is the largest lake in Idaho and supports native fishes, such as Westslope cutthroat trout and bull trout, along with more than 10 non-native species.
There are numerous challenges and complexities to managing a sustainable fishery in Lake Pend Oreille. The most notable example is the near collapse of the kokanee population in the 2000s from excessive predation. An ongoing and aggressive predator management program has greatly recovered both the kokanee population, as well as the trophy potential of the species that feed on kokanee.
State of the Lake
Fisheries staff held their annual State of the Lake public meeting on April 13, 2023, in Ponderay. Biologists shared updates on the latest population trends and research related to kokanee, rainbow trout, lake trout, walleye and more in Lake Pend Oreille. View the meeting presentations.