After chronic wasting disease was detected in three white-tailed deer near Bonners Ferry, a portion of Unit 1 was designated as a CWD Management Zone effective Oct. 1.

Important reminders about chronic wasting disease rules in a portion of Unit 1 in the Panhandle Region
Fish and Game remains committed to making compliance with the CWD Management Zone in a portion of Unit 1 as easy as possible

There are additional rules for hunters within any CWD Management Zone in Idaho.
- CWD testing is required for all hunter-harvested mule deer and white-tailed deer in any CWD Management Zone.
- It is unlawful to transport any whole carcass of a deer, elk or moose out of the boundaries of any CWD Management Zone.
Full details about mandatory sampling and carcass transport rules can be found here or in this recent press release.

Idaho Fish and Game staff in the Panhandle Region are prepared and committed to make complying with the new rules as easy as possible.
First, the number of freezers and barrels for hunters to drop off heads or CWD samples from harvested deer, elk or moose is greater compared to previous years. Within the CWD Management Zone in Unit 1 alone, there are two freezers and twelve head barrels. Locations of freezers and head barrels throughout the Panhandle can be found on Fish and Game’s CWD sample drop-off webpage.
These are self-service sites where hunters can drop off deer heads or lymph node samples from their harvest. Please follow the instructions located on the signage at each site. Please be sure you provide complete information as requested, and use a pencil, as pens or permanent markers will become illegible when wet.

Next, Fish and Game staff are running a CWD sampling site in Bonners Ferry at the Boundary County Search and Rescue overflow boat launch parking area. The sampling site is open from 11 a.m. to one-hour after sunset on each of the following days:
- Nov. 16, 17, 23, 24 and 30
- Dec. 1
Any hunter can drop by during hours of operation to have their harvest sampled for CWD.
Are you interested in learning how to collect and submit your own CWD sample? If so, don’t miss this. Each Saturday and Sunday starting 11/16 and running through 12/1, Fish and Game staff will be doing live, instructional demonstrations at the Bonners Ferry sampling site for anyone interested. Folks can bring in their own deer heads or they can simply come and watch, learn, ask questions and get hands-on experience collecting CWD samples. Just swing by sometime between 11 a.m. and sunset to learn how to collect your own samples.

Lastly, Fish and Game is running regular check stations as in previous years, and staff will be available to collect CWD samples from harvested animals. Dates and locations of the check stations are below.
Nov. 16, 17, 23 and 24 from 10 a.m. to sunset at the following locations:
- Priest River weigh station along State Highway 57
- St. Maries weigh stations south on State Highway 3

Reminder that hunters can also collect and submit their own CWD samples. Sample kits can be requested by contacting your nearest Fish and Game Regional Office or by filling out the request form at
To learn how to collect a CWD sample, use the links below.
- CWD Sampling Locations
- Learn how to collect a sample for CWD testing
- CWD sample collection, with pictures
- Fish and Game CWD sampling video
Testing for CWD takes approximately four to six weeks after samples are submitted. For animals sampled at the sampling site, check stations or the regional office, hunters will be given a business card with a unique barcode number on it. This number can be entered into the Fish and Game sample results website where status updates and final testing results will be posted. Hunters will only be contacted if a sample is positive.
If you would like to learn more about CWD, please visit or CWD webpage for tons of resources and videos.
Please contact the Panhandle Regional office at (208) 769-1414 with questions or concerns.
You can also follow the Panhandle Region Facebook page to get regular news and updates.