Idaho Fish and Game implemented rules to minimize the spread of CWD throughout Idaho.
Chronic Wasting Disease - The Rules
Hunting in Units 1, 14, 18, 23, 24, or 32A
There are special rules and requirements for hunting in Units 1, 14, 18, 23, 24, and 32A.

Rules to minimize the spread of CWD
In-State and Out-of-State CWD Carcass Transport and Possession Restrictions
It is unlawful to import, transport or possess carcasses or any part of a deer, elk, moose or caribou from a CWD-positive state or territory.
Exceptions. This section does not apply to:
- Meat that is cut and wrapped
- Quarters or deboned meat that does not include brain or spinal tissue
- Edible organs that do not include brains
- Hides without heads
- Upper canine teeth (ivories)
- Finished taxidermy
- Dried antlers
- Cleaned and dried skulls or skull caps
- Skull caps that do not include brain or spinal tissue
- Domestic cervids regulated under Chapter 37, Title 25, Idaho Code
- Head or tissue from a CWD Management Zone, provided it is presented to IDFG for sampling purposes, with IDFG to keep possession for appropriate tissue disposal.
Exceptions. This section does not apply to:
- Meat that is cut and wrapped
- Quarters or deboned meat that does not include brain or spinal tissue
- Edible organs that do not include brains
- Hides without heads
- Upper canine teeth (ivories)
- Finished taxidermy
- Dried antlers
- Cleaned and dried skulls or skull caps
- Skull caps that do not include brain or spinal tissue
- Domestic cervids regulated under Chapter 37, Title 25, Idaho Code
- Head or tissue from a CWD Management Zone, provided it is presented to IDFG for sampling purposes, with IDFG to keep possession for appropriate tissue disposal.
Urine Ban
Idaho bans the use of natural cervid urine for big game hunting, which includes urine from deer, elk, moose, and caribou (reindeer).
Winter Feeding Risk Strategy
Fish and Game integrates its CWD risk strategy into winter feeding planning. Winter feeding unnaturally concentrates wildlife, increasing the risk of spreading disease.
Restrict Feeding in CWD zones
Public feeding of deer, elk, or moose in designated CWD management zones is prohibited.
Restrictions on the Import of Live Wild Cervids
Importation into Idaho of live cervids not regulated by the Idaho Department of Agriculture will not be permitted. This includes live mule deer, white-tailed deer, moose, and wild-origin elk.