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Species outlined and classified in IDAPA

"These rules establish the classification and protection of wildlife including big game animals, upland game animals, game birds, game fish, fur-bearing animals, protected non-game species, and unprotected wildlife. These rules reflect that Section 36-201, Idaho Code, classifies predatory wildlife"

IDAPA [13.01.06]

You can read more in IDAPA [13.01.06]: Rules Governing Classification and Protection of Wildlife

IDAPA Class Game Bird Migratory
Species State Rank Global Rank SWAP Status ESA IDAPA Class
Anser albifrons (Greater White-fronted Goose) S4M G5 Game Bird Migratory
Cygnus buccinator (Trumpeter Swan) S1B,S4N G4 SGCN Game Bird Migratory
Zenaida macroura (Mourning Dove) S5 G5 Game Bird Migratory
Branta hutchinsii (Cackling Goose) SNR G5 Game Bird Migratory
Oxyura jamaicensis (Ruddy Duck) S2 G5 Game Bird Migratory
Bucephala clangula (Common Goldeneye) S5B,S5N G5 Game Bird Migratory
Branta canadensis (Canada Goose) S5B,S5N G5 Game Bird Migratory
Lophodytes cucullatus (Hooded Merganser) S2B,S2N G5 Game Bird Migratory
Bucephala albeola (Bufflehead) S1B,S1N G5 Game Bird Migratory
Cygnus olor (Mute Swan) SNA G5 Game Bird Migratory
Anas strepera (Gadwall) S3 G5 Game Bird Migratory
Chen caerulescens (Snow Goose or Blue Goose) S5M G5 Game Bird Migratory
Melanitta perspicillata (Surf Scoter) SNA G5 Game Bird Migratory
Melanitta fusca (White-winged Scoter) SNA G5 Game Bird Migratory
Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) S4B,S4N G5 Game Bird Migratory
Chen rossii (Ross's Goose) S3M G4 Game Bird Migratory
Anas penelope (Eurasian Wigeon) S1N G5 Game Bird Migratory
Anas querquedula (Garganey) SNA G5 Game Bird Migratory
Melanitta americana (Black Scoter) SNA G5 Game Bird Migratory
Aythya affinis (Lesser Scaup) S3B,S3N G5 Game Bird Migratory