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Idaho Fish and Game

Henrys Lake, clarify ice fishing bag limit

Henrys Lake, clarify ice fishing bag limit


Add clarity for bag limits and seasonal closure for brook trout at Henrys Lake. 


Henrys Lake is managed with a daily bag limit of two trout – including brook trout – from Memorial Day Weekend through February 14.  This offers some harvest protection for brook trout, which are managed for larger sizes here. During the last regulation cycle, a catch-and-release season was established at Henrys Lake from February 15 through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, during which the trout limit is zero.  

Due to staff oversight, brook trout were not specifically included in the catch and release season. Without including brook trout in the trout limit is zero regulation, brook trout would default to the regional general bag limits and a 25 fish/day bag limit during the catch and release season.  This proposal will include brook trout in the catch-and-release trout limit during February 15-Memorial Day Weekend catch and release fishery.

Review the proposal below and submit by June 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. MDT.

After reviewing feedback and considering agency goals, season recommendations will be presented to the Commission for their consideration at the July 2024 meeting.