Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, Walleye minimum size
Remove the length limit of 1 walleye over 20 inches for Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, while retaining the regional general bag limit of 6 walleye per day.
This will simplify regulations by removing a restriction with little to no biological benefit. Originally, the one-over 20 inches regulation was intended to increase walleye size; however, repeated surveys and walleye tagging studies have indicated this population is relatively stable and is not substantially affected by harvest.
Additionally, the reservoir lacks sufficient prey to allow for fast growth, thereby making potential benefits from the current restriction unlikely. If adopted, walleye in Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir would be managed with the general regional bag limit of 6 per day with no length restrictions.
Review the proposal below and submit by June 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. MDT.
After reviewing feedback and considering agency goals, season recommendations will be presented to the Commission for their consideration at the July 2024 meeting.
Remove the length limit of 1 walleye over 20 inches for Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, while retaining the regional general bag limit of 6 walleye per day.
This will simplify regulations by removing a restriction with little to no biological benefit. Originally, the one-over 20 inches regulation was intended to increase walleye size; however, repeated surveys and walleye tagging studies have indicated this population is relatively stable and is not substantially affected by harvest.
Additionally, the reservoir lacks sufficient prey to allow for fast growth, thereby making potential benefits from the current restriction unlikely. If adopted, walleye in Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir would be managed with the general regional bag limit of 6 per day with no length restrictions.
Review the proposal below and submit by June 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. MDT.
After reviewing feedback and considering agency goals, season recommendations will be presented to the Commission for their consideration at the July 2024 meeting.