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Idaho Fish and Game

Selway River, cutthroat trout harvest


Increase the cutthroat trout bag limit for the Selway River upstream of Selway Falls Bridge from 0 to 2 per day, remove bait and barbless hook restrictions.    


Some anglers have asked IDFG if they could provide trout harvest opportunities in the Selway River upstream of Selway Falls Bridge which would allow them to eat fish while camping on the river. The Selway River upstream of Selway Falls Bridge supports abundant trout populations and has relatively low angler use due to its remoteness being largely within the Selway-Bitteroot Wilderness area.  

Recent data from tagged cutthroat trout indicated that anglers catch about 3% of the cutthroat trout in this reach annually. The proposed change would adopt Clearwater Region general bag limits for this section, allowing harvest of 2 cutthroat trout per day, and remove restrictions on bait and barbed hooks. 

Extensive research and case studies from other Idaho waters indicate that barbless hook restrictions are unnecessary. This is not expected to cause population declines due to high voluntary catch-and-release rates among avid trout anglers, and examples from other regional waters with similar regulations.

Review the proposal below and submit by June 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. MDT.

After reviewing feedback and considering agency goals, season recommendations will be presented to the Commission for their consideration at the July 2024 meeting.