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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Southwest Region rainbow trout stocking schedule - March

| idfg-bpearson

Fish and Game staff will be stocking more than 10,000 catchable-size (10 to 12 inch) trout at the following locations across the Southwest Region in March. 

All fish stocked are rainbow trout. Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (angler safety concerns… more

Fish and Game schedules public meeting in Pocatello to discuss 2025 Strategic Plan Update

| idfg-jjackson

Idaho Fish and Game’s Southeast Region will be hosting a public meeting to gather input for the 2025 Strategic Plan Update on March 20 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Southeast Region office located at 1345 Barton Road in Pocatello.

Fish and Game’s mission is to “Preserve, Protect, Perpetuate… more

Public comment for 2025-26 migratory game bird season proposals now open

| idfg-cliess

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking comments on proposed migratory game bird seasons for 2025-26. Fish and Game staff will present all season proposals to the Commission for review during the April 15 conference call.

Hunters can review these proposals online and provide input on the Migratory Game Bird webpage. The… more

Hayden and Kids Creek ponds to be stocked in March

| idfg-mdemick

Idaho Department of Fish and Game will stock 950 rainbow trout in the 10 to 12-inch range at two area fishing holes March 24-28.       

Hayden Creek Pond, located along Hayden Creek near Lemhi, ID., will receive 650 trout.  Anglers will find ample bank fishing space, pavilion,… more

Idaho Fish and Game investigating two swans and three deer illegally killed in southeast Idaho

| idfg-jjackson

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking information regarding the illegal killing of two trumpeter swans and three mule deer in southeast Idaho during the last week of December 2024.

A member of the public found the dead trumpeter swans floating in the Bear River downstream from the old cheese factory… more

Hunter, bowhunter, and wolf trapper education classes coming up in the Southeast Region

| idfg-jjackson

Don’t wait until the controlled hunt application period or fall hunting seasons get here to register for a hunter education class.  Now, is the time to enroll in one of Idaho Fish and Game’s upcoming certification classes in the Southeast Region while seats are still available.  And, if you are looking for a… more

Rainbow trout stocking schedule for March 2025 in the Magic Valley Region

| idfg-tthompson

Hatchery personnel from Fish and Game’s Magic Valley Region will be stocking approximately 17,100 10-12” catchable-sized rainbow trout in March. The stocking date and numbers of fish are approximate.

Stocking of all waters is tentative and dependent on river/lake/pond conditions (angler safety concerns); dates… more

Southeast Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for March 11

| idfg-jjackson

Members of the Southeast Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee (WFAC) will meet on March 11 at 6 p.m. to assist Idaho Fish and Game with the assessment of winter conditions and observations related to big game animals (movements, depredations, activity on roadways, body conditions, mortalities) in the Southeast… more

Instructor-led hunter & bowhunter education course offered in Salmon

| idfg-mdemick

An instructor-led hunter & bowhunter combination course is scheduled March 21-23 in Salmon.  This course will certify students in both hunter and bowhunter education and is designed for youth 9 years of age or anyone new to hunting.   

Trapper education course planned March 15 in Stanley

| idfg-mdemick

Idaho Department of Fish and Game will host a trapper education course in Stanley on Saturday, March 15.  The course will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm at the Stanley Community Library, 240 Niece Ave. 

2025 Strategic Plan Update public meeting held in Clearwater Region - March 12

| idfg-jbruns

IDFG’s mission is to “Preserve, Protect, Perpetuate and Manage all of Idaho’s wildlife.”  The IDFG strategic plan is the roadmap the department uses to ensure we are achieving that mission. It charts the broad strategies and tactics the department will employ in the coming years to sustain Idaho’s wildlife… more

Important dates to help plan your March

| idfg-cliess

From controlled hunt results to season closures, there’s a lot happening in Idaho next month that you should be aware of. Staying in the loop can be the difference between applying for that coveted controlled hunt tag and watching from the sidelines.

Be sure to stay up to date on all Fish and Game happenings.… more

Draw results available for spring turkey controlled hunts

| idfg-cliess

Spring turkey controlled hunt draw results are available now.

The results have been posted through Fish and Game’s licensing system, Hunters can check their GoOutdoorsIdaho account to view their controlled hunt tags draw results for spring turkey. Email notifications will be sent to… more

Upper Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Report (03-04-2025)

| idfg-bbeller

Hi everyone, this is the Upper Salmon River steelhead fishing report for March 4, 2025. The data discussed in this report was collected between Wednesday, February 26th  and Sunday, March 2nd.

The first thing I wanted to mention in this week’s report is that the Deadwater ice jam opened up on Monday, March… more

Statewide trout stocking highlights for March 2025

| idfg-cliess

Many of Idaho’s lakes and ponds are soon going to be bolstered with Idaho Fish and Game stocking over 60,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout this March. Wondering if the stocking trucks are going to be backing up to your favorite fishing hole? We asked our Fish and Game hatchery staff to boil down some of the most… more

Deadwater ice jam is out

| idfg-bbeller

The Deadwater ice jam on the Upper Salmon River broke free as of Monday, March 3, 2025. Anglers can expect the river to remain turbid in the downstream areas for a few days before improving. Weather conditions may also impact river visibility, and there is still potential for cold weather to cause areas to re-freeze.… more

Attention steelhead anglers: Camping is not allowed in pull offs along S.F. Clearwater

| idfg-jbruns

As anglers make plans to fish the South Fork Clearwater River for steelhead should be aware of an Idaho law that prohibits camping on certain state-owned property. This law applies to Idaho Transportation Department property, including many of the pull offs along the South Fork Clearwater River. 

This means… more

March trout stocking schedule for the Southeast Region

| idfg-jjackson

In spite of the fact that there’s probably a spring snowstorm or two in our future (it is Idaho after all), let’s get excited about spring fishing fun! Idaho Fish and Game hatchery personnel will be trucking over 23,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout to fisheries in the Southeast Region this month.  Go get ‘em… more