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Species outlined and classified in IDAPA

"These rules establish the classification and protection of wildlife including big game animals, upland game animals, game birds, game fish, fur-bearing animals, protected non-game species, and unprotected wildlife. These rules reflect that Section 36-201, Idaho Code, classifies predatory wildlife"

IDAPA [13.01.06]

You can read more in IDAPA [13.01.06]: Rules Governing Classification and Protection of Wildlife

Species State Rank Global Rank SWAP Status ESA IDAPA Class
Calidris minutilla (Least Sandpiper) S3M G5 Protected Nongame
Tringa semipalmata (Willet) S3B G5 Protected Nongame
Calidris bairdii (Baird's Sandpiper) S2M G5 Protected Nongame
Pinicola enucleator (Pine Grosbeak) S4 G5 Protected Nongame
Circus cyaneus (Northern Harrier) S4 G5 Protected Nongame
Riparia riparia (Bank Swallow) S4B G5 Protected Nongame
Sphyrapicus varius (Yellow-bellied Sapsucker) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Glaucidium gnoma (Northern Pygmy-Owl) S3 G4G5 Protected Nongame
Catharus ustulatus (Swainson's Thrush) S5B G5 Protected Nongame
Phrynosoma hernandesi (Greater Short-horned Lizard) S2 G5 Protected Nongame
Lanius ludovicianus (Loggerhead Shrike) S3 G4 SGCN Protected Nongame
Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) S4B G5 Protected Nongame
Patagioenas fasciata (Band-tailed Pigeon) SNA G4 Protected Nongame
Zonotrichia querula (Harris's Sparrow) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Psaltriparus minimus (Bushtit) S3 G5 Protected Nongame
Vireo philadelphicus (Philadelphia Vireo) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Poecile hudsonicus (Boreal Chickadee) S2 G5 Protected Nongame
Spea intermontana (Great Basin Spadefoot) S3 G5 SGIN Protected Nongame
Elanus leucurus (White-tailed Kite) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Myotis ciliolabrum (Western Small-footed Myotis) S3 G5 SGCN Protected Nongame