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Species outlined and classified in IDAPA

"These rules establish the classification and protection of wildlife including big game animals, upland game animals, game birds, game fish, fur-bearing animals, protected non-game species, and unprotected wildlife. These rules reflect that Section 36-201, Idaho Code, classifies predatory wildlife"

IDAPA [13.01.06]

You can read more in IDAPA [13.01.06]: Rules Governing Classification and Protection of Wildlife

Species State Rank Global Rank SWAP Status ESA IDAPA Class
Vireo olivaceus (Red-eyed Vireo) S4B G5 Protected Nongame
Calidris alpina (Dunlin) S1M G5 Protected Nongame
Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) S3B G4 Delisted Protected Nongame
Selasphorus calliope (Calliope Hummingbird) S4B G5 Protected Nongame
Falco sparverius (American Kestrel) S4 G5 Protected Nongame
Aechmophorus occidentalis (Western Grebe) S2B G5 SGCN Protected Nongame
Rana luteiventris pop. 3 (Columbia Spotted Frog (Great Basin DPS)) S2 G4T2T4 SGCN Protected Nongame
Plectrophenax nivalis (Snow Bunting) S4N G5 Protected Nongame
Calypte costae (Costa's Hummingbird) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Grus americana (Whooping Crane) SNA G1 Protected Nongame
Plegadis chihi (White-faced Ibis) S2B G5 SGCN Protected Nongame
Ambystoma mavortium (Western Tiger Salamander) S4 G5 Protected Nongame
Lithobates pipiens (Northern Leopard Frog) S2 G5 SGCN Protected Nongame
Butorides virescens (Green Heron) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Calidris canutus (Red Knot) SNA G4 Threatened Protected Nongame
Spizella breweri (Brewer's Sparrow) S4B G5 SGCN Protected Nongame
Zonotrichia leucophrys (White-crowned Sparrow) S5 G5 Protected Nongame
Poecile rufescens (Chestnut-backed Chickadee) S5 G5 Protected Nongame
Quiscalus quiscula (Common Grackle) S1B G5 Protected Nongame
Coluber constrictor (North American Racer) S5 G5 Protected Nongame