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Species outlined and classified in IDAPA

"These rules establish the classification and protection of wildlife including big game animals, upland game animals, game birds, game fish, fur-bearing animals, protected non-game species, and unprotected wildlife. These rules reflect that Section 36-201, Idaho Code, classifies predatory wildlife"

IDAPA [13.01.06]

You can read more in IDAPA [13.01.06]: Rules Governing Classification and Protection of Wildlife

Species State Rank Global Rank SWAP Status ESA IDAPA Class
Vermivora cyanoptera (Blue-winged Warbler) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Setophaga striata (Blackpoll Warbler) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Limosa haemastica (Hudsonian Godwit) SNA G4 Protected Nongame
Myotis californicus (California Myotis) S3 G5 Protected Nongame
Lasiurus blossevillii (Western Red Bat) SNA G4 Protected Nongame
Accipiter cooperii (Cooper's Hawk) S4 G5 Protected Nongame
Podiceps grisegena (Red-necked Grebe) S2B G5 Protected Nongame
Cistothorus palustris (Marsh Wren) S5B,S5N G5 Protected Nongame
Myotis lucifugus or Myotis yumanensis (Little Brown Myotis or Yuma Myotis) SNA Protected Nongame
Calidris pusilla (Semipalmated Sandpiper) S1M G5 Protected Nongame
Vulpes macrotis (Kit Fox) S2 G4 SGIN Protected Nongame
Larus hyperboreus (Glaucous Gull) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Calidris minutilla (Least Sandpiper) S3M G5 Protected Nongame
Setophaga virens (Black-throated Green Warbler) SNA G5 Protected Nongame
Cottus extensus (Bear Lake Sculpin) S3 G3 SGCN Protected Nongame
Ectopistes migratorius (Passenger Pigeon) SNA GX Protected Nongame
Coccyzus americanus (Yellow-billed Cuckoo) S1B G5 SGCN Threatened Protected Nongame
Circus cyaneus (Northern Harrier) S4 G5 Protected Nongame
Riparia riparia (Bank Swallow) S4B G5 Protected Nongame
Sphyrapicus varius (Yellow-bellied Sapsucker) SNA G5 Protected Nongame