Press Releases and Articles
Fishing Trailer Scheduled for Local Pond Tour
| Anonymous (not verified)
Stocked with equipment and information, Fish and Game’s fishing trailer will soon be making more than 25 appearances at local ponds across the region, promoting fishing as part of a healthy outdoor lifestyle.
To learn more about the trailer program, contact the Fish and Game Nampa office at 465-8465. More… more
Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule
| Anonymous (not verified)
Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 23,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during April.
Caldwell Pond #2 April 9 500
Crane Falls Reservoir April 16 1,200
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White-tailed deer management survey is now live for hunters to weigh in
| idfg-rphillips
Deer hunters: Now is your chance to shape the future management of white-tailed deer in Idaho. Idaho Fish and Game is surveying white-tailed deer hunters and others interested in white-tailed deer management.
The last time the department revised its management plan was in 2005.
“It’s time that we… more
Annual F&G fur auction will be April 21 in Nampa
| idfg-rphillips
You don’t have to be a taxidermist to find a treasure at Idaho Fish and Game’s annual fur auction.
This year’s auction of furs, hides, antlers, and other items is set for Saturday, April 21 at the Idaho Fish and Game Southwest Region office at 3101 S. Powerline Road in Nampa. Items may be viewed beginning at 8… more
Steelhead in the Classroom Program kicks-off a new season
| idfg-jbruns
Elementary and High school students from Lapwai, Juliaetta, Genesee, Potlatch, Troy, Lewiston and Moscow kicked off the Steelhead in the Classroom program with an egg delivery on March 5th. Eggs have already hatched and the small steelhead are developing in the classroom tanks across the region.
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Irrigators reminded to contact Fish and Game before turning water on
| idfg-mdemick
To keep fish out of irrigation ditches, irrigators who divert water from local rivers and streams are asked to contact Idaho Fish and Game’s Anadromous Fish Screen Program (208-756-6022) one week prior to turning water on.
Fish and Game will work to get all the fish screens in place and fully… more
Add a fishing trip to your spring outings
| idfg-rphillips
Spring is here, days are getting longer and warmer, which are good reasons to break out the fishing rods and take advantage of some early season fishing opportunities.
Idaho Fish and Game stocks trout year round, but expands its operations in April as more waters… more
Fish and Game to host public information meeting and chili feed
| idfg-mdemick
Hunters, anglers, trappers, and other wildlife enthusiasts are invited to attend public information meetings in Salmon and Challis and visit with Idaho Fish and Game about issues of local interest.
Fish and Game staff will answer questions and provide information on a variety of topics including:
Big… moreBent Lane Access on the Boise - Closed
| idfg-jkozfkay
A popular access point to the Boise River has been closed by the landowner. The closure is related to construction and earth-moving activities that create substantial safety and liability concerns. Please respect this closure!
The landowner is working with IDFG to ensure that public access is restored after… more
Become an Idaho Wildavore and Learn to Hunt Turkeys!
| idfg-jjackson
Become an Idaho Wildavore: Turkey Hunting Class for Adults
Are you an adult who would like to learn how to hunt but you don’t know where to start and don’t have anyone to show you how? Maybe you hunted before as a kid, but you really need some help to get started up again. That makes you the perfect… more
Steelhead Spawning at MK Nature Center
| idfg-sfocht
For the last few weeks, steelhead have been spawning at MK Nature Center in the large viewing window. They appear to be done now, but here is a video of the spawning behavior in case you missed it. Be sure to watch until the end as the female will make a pass over the nest with her digging behavior at the 45 second… more
Upper Salmon River weekly steelhead report (3/12/18)
| idfg-vosborn
Steelhead angler effort increased considerably over the past week throughout the upper Salmon River. Anglers were observed fishing as far upstream as the Yankee Fork Salmon River, but the majority of angler effort and catch was once again located downstream of North Fork in location code 15. Effort upstream of North… more
Clearwater weekly steelhead report (3/12/18)
| idfg-vosborn
The best catch rates this past week were on the South Fork of the Clearwater. Anglers were spread through out the fishery with some of the best fishing around mile post 7.2 on Highway 14. Many anglers were bottom bouncing orange beads and yarn.
Effort picked up slightly this past week on the North Fork and… more
Trapping classes scheduled
| idfg-jpowell
Trapper Education classes are being offered in the Magic Valley area. Beginning July 1, 2018, every trapper who purchased their first trapping license after June 30, 2011 will be required to attend and pass a mandatory trapper education course before they can purchase an Idaho trapping license.
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See drawing results for spring controlled bear hunts
| idfg-rphillips
New this year is the ability for hunters to check their controlled hunt results, and if successful, buy their tags at as part of the transition to the new licensing system.
This is a change from prior years where draw results were available on Fish and Game's website. In order to take… more
Volunteers sought for habitat improvement projects in the Magic Valley
| idfg-btycz
JEROME - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is looking for volunteers to assist in planting sagebrush and bitterbrush seedlings during on three consecutive Saturdays starting March 24.
Planting dates and locations are below:
March 24 – Buckhorn near Oakley March 31 – … moreMonitoring shows winter big game survival much higher than last year
| idfg-rphillips
Mild weather so far means more young deer and elk are surviving this winter, which will likely grow herds and produce more game for big game hunters next fall.
Idaho Fish and Game biologists have been monitoring 244 mule deer fawns and 246 elk calves that were captured earlier this winter and… more
Bird identification workshop will be held March 17 in Boise
| idfg-rphillips
A free workshop that will help you identify sparrows will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. on March 17 at the MK Nature Center 600 S. Walnut St. in Boise.
Sparrows are “little brown birds” with a reputation for sending beginning birders back to the river to look for ducks, herons, and eagles. However, once you learn… more