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Idaho Fish and Game


Clearwater Pheasant Stocking & Access Yes!: What to Know Before You Go


Fall is officially here, which means grab the shotgun, some blaze orange, the kids, the dog and get out there! Here in the Clearwater, Fish & Game wants to remind hunters of the requirements for using the region’s pheasant stocking locations.  General season for all 4 pheasant stocking locations opens on October 8th and continues with weekly pheasant releases until mid-December. To enjoy this local hunting opportunity hunters are required to register for an Access permit prior to hunting at each of the release locations, must have an Upland Game Bird Permit, and are required to wear blaze orange.

The Clearwater Region has over 1,100 male pheasants that IDFG’s staff will be releasing throughout the fall. Please visit the Pheasant Stocking webpage for the list of the Clearwater’s locations. Each location is unique so please read through each property’s webpage to find more information about the properties, directions, how to sign up, access restrictions, and area maps. There are also 5 other Access Yes! properties that have a variety of hunting opportunities in the Clearwater region. Please visit Clearwater Access Yes! properties webpage for more information on each and how to sign up for access.

For additional questions regarding Pheasant Releases or the Access Yes! properties in the Clearwater Region, please contact:

Deborah Monzingo

Regional Wildlife Biologist
