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Botrychium lineare (Linear-Leaved Moonwort)



In Idaho: No
Native to Idaho: Yes
Endemic: No
Regularity: Regularly occurring

Species Status

SWAP Species Status : SGIN
State Conservation Rank : SH
Global Conservation Rank : G3


Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Filicinophyta
Class: Ophioglossopsida
Order: Ophioglossales
Family: Ophioglossaceae
Species: Botrychium lineare
Taxonomy Level: Species
See child taxonomy for this taxa

Linear-Leaved Moonwort, Narrowleaf Grape Fern, Linear Leaf Moonwort, Slender Moonwort, Common Milkwort, Narrowleaf Grapefern
Botrychium lineare
Botrychium lineare Range

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