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Idaho Fish and Game

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Renew your hunting/fishing licenses, and here's how to use them now


Idaho has year-round hunting and fishing, and you don't want miss any of it

You may be tempted to put off buying your 2020 licenses, but you'd be missing out on some cool hunting and fishing opportunities that can cure cabin fever and get your year started off the right way. 


Go ice fishing

Ice fishing is fun, and a great way to get out of the house and catch some fish during winter. Idaho has lots of ice fishing opportunities statewide, and even if you live in a part of the state with a mild climate, ice fishing spots are usually a short drive away. Ice fishing is both productive and social, so you can bring family and friends along. Here’s more information about Idaho’s ice fishing. 


You can catch a burbot 

What’s a burbot? That’s a fair question because it’s a unique fish. Burbot are the only freshwater member of the cod family, and fishing re-opened in 2019 after being closed since 1992. Fishing is open in the Kootenai River, its tributaries and Bonner Lake. Burbot in the Kootenai River average about 16 to 20 inches long, but fish as large as 33 to 35 inches have been observed in surveys. Burbot are most active, and spawn, in the winter months, making it the best season to fish for them. Learn more about them and the new fishing season in the 2019-21 fishing rules booklet

Steelhead fishing reopens on the Clearwater and Lower Snake rivers

It's no secret that Idaho's had a tough season for steelhead with extremely low returns, but there's a sliver of good news. There's enough hatchery fish to provide a spring season that opens Jan. 1 in the Clearwater, South Fork of the Clearwater and Lower Snake rivers. Many of those fish haven't seen a plug, bait of fly dangled in front of them for months, so catch rates could be good despite a low return. The Salmon River, Little Salmon River and Hells Canyon are also open for steelhead fishing. Remember the daily bag limit is one steelhead for the 2020 spring season. See more in the current steelhead fishing rules

You can still catch trout in rivers and streams

Winter stream fishing is often an overlooked opportunity, but trout fishing can be good, especially in “tailwater” fisheries where rivers are fed by dam releases, or in parts of the state with mild climates, such as along the Snake River. Here's more information about late-season river fishing, including where to go and how to catch trout and whitefish during winter. 

Winter is among the best times to catch whitefish 

Another winter fishery that fly anglers enjoy, and many other anglers. These fish feed in riffles and aren’t fazed by the cold water, and they’re often schooled up before the spawning season. Many anglers consider smoked whitefish an Idaho delicacy. Here is more information about fishing for mountain whitefish.

Hunt game animals that you may have overlooked 

The hunting season for cottontail rabbits, snowshoe hares and red squirrels last through March 31, so if you want to keep hunting, you have those options, and you probably won’t have a lot of competition. Mountain lion and wolf hunting seasons are open during winter depending on location, and coyote hunting is year-round. See big game hunting rules for specific seasons. 

Late season upland bird hunting continues

Hunting season remains open for chukar, Hungarian partridge, California quail, and forest grouse during January in most areas, and late-season hunting can be good for those birds. See the upland game bird rules booklet for season dates. 


It’s only midway through the waterfowl season

Most duck and Canada geese seasons are open during at least part of January, into February for white-fronted geese, and as late as March for light geese in parts of the state. See the migratory bird hunting rules booklet seasons because closure dates vary depending on species and location. 

Get the most bang for your buck

Idaho's resident Sportsman’s Package costs $124.25 if you’re Price Locked, or $144.60 if you’re not, and you get nearly all the hunting and fishing opportunities Idaho has to offer for that price. The Sportsman's Package includes a resident adult hunting and fishing license, plus tags for deer, elk, bear, mountain lion, wolf, turkey, salmon and steelhead. Archery and muzzleloader are validated on the license. (You still need a federal migratory bird permit and waterfowl stamp for those species). Here are other ways to get deals on your hunting/fishing licenses.