It’s not too late to try your hand at pheasant hunting this year!
In the Panhandle Region, pheasant will be stocked at the Boundary-Smith Creek WMA and the Lane Marsh parcel on the CDA River WMA through the week of Dec. 19; the season ends on Dec. 31. Although, no birds will be released the last week of the season, pheasants from previous releases may still be around.
The word on the street is sportsmen are continuing to enjoy the pheasant stocking program across the state.
“Last week I counted 28 hunters at the Boundary-Smith Creek WMA in a single day,” said Regional Habitat Biologist Robert Akins.
By the end of 2021, a total of 700 birds will have gone to each WMA in the Panhandle
If you missed your chance this year, don’t despair – the pheasant stocking program is slated to continue in 2022. Consider asking Santa for that special shotgun you’ve been eyeballing or maybe it’s time to get the bird dog you’ve always dreamed of so you’re primed and ready for pheasant season in 2022!
Helpful information
Whether you are getting out after them this year or thinking ahead to next year, here are some important details.
There are two rule sets for hunting pheasants. One rule set applies to hunting pheasant outside of the stocked areas, and the other rule set applies to hunting areas that are stocked by Fish and Game.
The two rule sets are the same, except for bag limit, shooting hours and permit requirements.
- If hunting outside the boundaries of stocked areas, hunters can harvest a total of three cock pheasants a day, they can shoot one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset and they do not need an Upland Game Bird Permit.
- If hunting in the stocked areas, only two cock pheasants can be harvested a day, hunters can shoot from 10 a.m. PST to one-half hour after sunset and they need an Upland Game Bird Permit.
Please note that at both stocking locations in the Panhandle, there are small, naturalized pheasant populations. As such, it is possible hunters may encounter hen pheasant, which are illegal to harvest.
Hunters are required to wear hunter orange and possess an Idaho hunting license.
For full rules, take a look at pages 11-13 of the 2020-21 Idaho Upland Game, Turkey and Furbearer rules book.
Click here for a map of the Boundary-Smith Creek WMA.
Click here for a map of the CDA River WMA.
Check out this link to get information about plans for statewide pheasant stocking.
Need to purchase a hunting license or Upland Game Bird Permit? Pick one of the options below.
Make sure to check out our Idaho Hunt Planner to help you scout and plan your next hunting outing.
Have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact your local Fish and Game regional office.
You can also follow the Panhandle Region Facebook page to get regular news and updates.