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Share your animal observations with us

Already use apps like eBird or iNaturalist?


Users are encouraged to submit their observations through well known applications like eBird and iNaturalist. The Species Diversity Team regularly pulls in observations from these sites. These sites are great options for those who regularly use these apps or need help with species identification. 

Want to submit observations directly to IDFG? 

IDFG has a survey 123 form on the web and downloadable on your phone that makes submitting observations directly to us easy. If you have questions or are in need of immediate assistance about an animal please call your regional IDFG office.

Looking for your observations? Managing individual accounts have been phased out of the new version of the website. As such users won't be able to manage their observations moving forward. But don't worry your data are not lost!

If you'd like a copy of your observations fill out a data request form and we'll send you all the observations in our system tied to your email address.

- IFWIS Data Team

field notes and phone