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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Farragut shooting range opens May 3

| idfg-jkunkle

The Farragut public shooting range will open for the year on May 3. Hours of operation are Friday through Monday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is $5 per shooter, per day. 

This multi-use, family oriented range located at 33644 N. Shooters Rd. in Athol is owned and operated by… more

Snake River sturgeon poachers sentenced

| idfg-dmeyer

During the Fall of 2018, Conservation Officer John Beer investigated a report of two Minidoka county men who had illegally harvested a large sturgeon. The men located the sturgeon while fishing near the Snake River on the south side spillway of the Minidoka Dam. They loaded the huge fish into the trunk of a Dodge… more

Help Track and Map Bumble Bees

| idfg-vosborn

The Pacific Northwest is home to nearly 30 species of bumble bees and many of them face an uncertain future. As part of the Pacific Northwest Bumble Bee Atlas Project, Idaho Fish and Game and its conservation partners are collecting field observations of bumble bees. The goal is to map bumble bee populations in the… more

Mountain lion reports in Southeast Boise turn out to be a bobcat

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game personnel responded to several calls on Tuesday, April 23 reporting a mountain lion in S.E. Boise in the Columbia Village area. F… more

Sportsman’s Warehouse in Pocatello Hosting Ask Fish and Game Event on April 27

| idfg-jjackson

The 2019-2020 seasons and rules books for both big game and trophy species have hit license vendor shelves, and now comes the fun part—making plans for the hunting seasons this fall.

To help hunters better understand the rules, including the latest changes to some of the Southeast Region hunts, Sportsman’s… more

Henrys Fork electrofishing scheduled

| idfg-jbrower

Idaho Fish and Game will be conducting their annual electrofishing surveys on the Henrys Fork of the Snake River over the next several weeks. These surveys allow biologists to estimate the number of fish per mile and collect biological information such as length and weight.

    Henrys Fork… more

Bears are waking up around the Upper Snake Region

| idfg-jbrower

As the days get longer and the snow starts melting, both hunters and bears are becoming more active in the Upper Snake Region. "Whether you are pursuing bears, turkeys, or just out enjoying the spring weather, people need to be aware that they are in bear country," says Jeremy Nicholson, Bear … more

Idaho's Chinook Salmon - Going Home [video]

| idfg-vosborn

Wild populations of salmon begin and end their lives in Idaho’s wild rivers found in the Clearwater, Snake and Salmon drainages. Their final journey home fullills the dramatic life-cycle of these amazing fish.


Video by Glenn Oakley


April 22: Upper Salmon River Steelhead fishing report

| idfg-bbeller

During the week of April 15th, steelhead angler effort on the upper Salmon River was mainly observed upstream of the East Fork Salmon River in location code 19. Angler effort downstream of the East Fork was low, and few interviews were obtained from location codes 17 and 18.

No anglers interviewed downstream… more

Join the fun and learn about wildlife at the MK Nature Center's Spring Wildlife Event on April 27

| idfg-rphillips

You are invited to the Idaho Fish and Game Morrison Knudsen Nature Center’s annual Spring Wildlife Celebration Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This family-friendly event costs $3 per person, ages three and over, and includes fun, hands-on activities geared toward youth. 

Various education stations… more

Chinook fishing season remains open on Lower Salmon and Little Salmon rivers

| idfg-bpearson

Anglers should refer to the 2019 spring Chinook salmon seasons and rules brochure for other rules and special restrictions, which is available online and in paper form at Fish and Game regional offices. 

Fisheries managers are forecasting a run of about 32,000 spring Chinook through Lower Granite Dam, which is… more

Electrofishing schedule set for the South Fork of the Snake River

| idfg-jbrower

Biologists with the Idaho Fish and Game plan to be electrofishing sections of the South Fork every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from now until May 23 as they conduct a feasibility study on the manual removal of rainbow trout. "These removal efforts are not aimed at removing all of the… more

Verdict in 2017 Minidoka County Felony Poaching Case

| idfg-dmeyer

On Monday April 15, sentencing was held for the last of five individuals involved in a multitude of wildlife crimes stemming from activity during October 2017 in Minidoka County.

In December of 2017,  IDFG Officer Steve Ross initiated an investigation into illegal hunting activities north of Rupert. Jake… more

Stocking helps sturgeon population below C.J. Strike Dam

| idfg-mkoenig

Idaho Power Co. biologists check a setline to collect adult White Sturgeon from the Snake River as part of ongoing conservation efforts to improve the population.

You may have heard about sturgeon being collected from the Snake River below C.J. Strike Dam during April. Don’t be alarmed – this is all… more

Steelhead smolt transportation and release season is underway in Idaho

| idfg-csundquist

Spring is officially here and with that comes a lot of water in Idaho’s rivers. High runoff is critical to help flush Idaho’s out-migrating steelhead smolts to the Pacific Ocean. Idaho steelhead enter fresh water in one year and spawn the following spring.

Idaho has A and B strains of steelhead that are… more

Mormon Reservoir revival produced great trout fishing and is attracting anglers

| idfg-bpearson

Mormon Reservoir near Fairfield recently returned as a destination fishery that produces big trout and lots of them. While older anglers might remember (with a tinge of nostalgia) a time when this was the norm, it hasn’t been the case until a few years back when a series of events helped revive Mormon’s trout fishing… more

Winchester Lake stocked today with 6,000 rainbow trout

| idfg-jbruns

The ice is off and over 6,000 hungry rainbow trout were stocked today at Winchester Lake. Take a kid, friend or neighbor and wet a line! Biologists also tagged several trout with orange floy tags. Anglers are encouraged to provide the individual tag number by calling the toll-free number on the tag to report… more

Become an Idaho Master Naturalist

| idfg-jbruns

Anyone who enjoys and appreciates Idaho’s outdoors can be an Idaho Master Naturalist; teachers, hunters, nature guides, farmers, retired professionals, and …you! The Idaho Master Naturalist Program aims to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to actively work toward stewardship of Idaho’s natural environment.… more