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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Hunters are reminded to stop at check stations

| idfg-staff

Check stations are a great way for Fish and Game staff to talk to hundreds of hunters, and hunters should feel free to ask questions, or make suggestions about season changes. Our goal is to get the data we need, answer your questions, and get you on your way quickly.

Here are a few reminders to make your… more

Teton and Fremont counties are open for light goose hunting

| idfg-jbrower

Waterfowl hunters in the Upper Snake should be aware of an omission in the 2018-19 Idaho Migratory Bird seasons and rules booklet. On page 11, two counties were unintentionally omitted from Area 2 for the light goose season, which also opens Oct. 6. Teton and Fremont counties are open for light… more

Oct. 10 is new opener for wolf trapping in some units

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game Commission recently approved extending hunting and trapping seasons for wolves in many units, which will take place this year, but are not reflected in the 2017-18 Big Game Seasons and Rules booklet. 

Units that have changes to the opening and closing dates are noted in red.… more

Temporary Bridge Closure in Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District

| idfg-kcampbell

The Sissons Bridge located on the main river road in the Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District will be temporarily closed starting October 8, 2018. Please keep this in mind as you head out for hunting season. There are two alternative routes listed in the Forest Service news release here or look on the map below.… more

Oct. 9: Idaho steelhead update from fisheries manager Joe DuPont

| idfg-jdupont

With steelhead harvest season opening Oct.15 on the Clearwater River, anglers are reminded that Idaho Fish and Game is continuing the one-fish bag limit for hatchery steelhead until Dec. 31 in order to continue reduced harvest on hatchery steelhead and protect wild steelhead. 

The lower bag… more

Relocated Grizzly Bear Update

| idfg-mcorsi

Editor's Note: This article is a follow-up on the grizzly bear captured near Garwood in August.

The two year old male grizzly bear that was captured near Silverwood, weighed in at 176 pounds. He was fitted with a tracking collar and released in the Cabinet Mountains near the Idaho/Montana border.… more

Lake Pend Oreille Walleye Telemetry Update

| idfg-mcorsi

Walleye were illegally introduced into Noxon Reservoir (Montana) in the early 1990’s. Noxon Reservoir is upstream of Lake Pend Oreille on the Clark Fork River. Walleye spawn below Thompson Falls Dam (the upstream end of Noxon Reservoir) and their fry naturally drift downstream after hatching, which is likely how they… more

F&G assumes management of Hagerman steelhead hatchery

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game recently reached an agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to assume operations of the Hagerman National Fish Hatchery, which raises about 1.6 million juvenile steelhead for release in the Upper Salmon River Basin. 

Fish and Game’s Fisheries Bureau Chief Jim Fredericks said… more

Tips for a safe hunting season

| idfg-mdemick

With many hunters heading outdoors with firearms, it is a good time to think about gun safety.

Some people have the mistaken impression that because firearms are used, hunting is a dangerous activity. While there is always the potential that a hunter will be involved in a firearm accident, statistics… more

Waterfowl hunts open in portions of the state Oct. 6 and most others open Oct. 13

| idfg-rphillips

Duck and Canada goose seasons open Oct. 6 in Area 2 and most of the remainder of the state opens on Oct. 13. 

Idaho hunters can expect waterfowl populations similar to last year. There may be some improvements in the early season due to a wet spring that provided good nesting conditions for local birds.  … more

Transplant gives smallmouth bass a jumpstart in the Lower Payette River

| idfg-mpeterson

The lower Payette River between Black Canyon Dam and its confluence with the Snake River was known for supporting a robust smallmouth bass population prior to the winter of 2012-13. In early February of 2013, a sediment release from Black Canyon Dam lead to a fish kill. A fish population survey… more

Survey finds most mule deer hunters satisfied, but hunting management could improve

| idfg-rphillips

Most mule deer hunters are satisfied with hunting in Idaho, and their attitudes and preferences have not changed much over the last decade, according to a survey conducted by Idaho Fish and Game in 2017. 

Continuing family hunting traditions, the opportunity to hunt mule deer every year, and maintaining… more

Clearwater pheasant releases prepare for upcoming youth and general seasons

| idfg-jbruns

Pheasants will be released at both the Palouse River upland game area and Lloyd Ranch access site prior to the Oct. 6 through Oct.12 youth pheasant season. Birds will continue to be released throughout the general season Oct. 13 through Dec. 31.

Released birds will be banded with individual numbers to evaluate… more

Whitetail hunters should anticipate shorter season in Unit 10A

| idfg-jbruns

Dworshak area hunters should be aware that the Idaho Fish and Game commission shortened the deer hunting season in Unit 10A for 2018. Whitetail hunting will end on Nov. 20 this year instead of the traditional date of Dec. 1. Commissioners also disallowed the use second, non-resident deer tags in unit 10A in an effort… more

Hunting, trapping, licensing and other proposed rules up for comment until Oct. 24

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking public comment on proposed rules adopted by the Fish and Game Commission, published in October in the Idaho Administrative Bulletin. Publication of the proposed rules provides for additional public comments, which will be considered by the Commission at  their November 13-14 in Coeur d’… more

Reduced steelhead limit extended until Dec. 31

| idfg-rphillips

To continue reduced harvest on hatchery steelhead and protect wild steelhead, Idaho Fish and Game is continuing the one-fish bag limit for steelhead until Dec. 31. The lower bag limit applies in the mainstem Clearwater River, Middle Fork Clearwater River, North Fork of the Clearwater River, South Fork Clearwater River… more

Updated Oct. 4: Please buy your deer tags early; nonresident general deer tags sold out, whitetail tags available

| idfg-rphillips

Please don’t wait until the last minute to buy your hunting license and deer tags. Fish and Game is anticipating high volumes of sales immediately before the opening day of deer season on Oct. 10. Avoid the long lines and potential wait by buying your tags early. 

Nonresident general deer tags have sold out,… more

Youth pheasant hunt runs Oct. 6 through Oct. 12

| idfg-rphillips

Youth 17 years old and younger with an Idaho hunting license can participate in the youth pheasant hunt so long as they're accompanied by an Idaho licensed hunter age 18 years or older.  

The youth hunt runs from Saturday, Oct. 6 through Oct. 12. 

Pheasant hunting starts… more