Duck and Canada goose seasons open Oct. 6 in Area 2 and most of the remainder of the state opens on Oct. 13.
Idaho hunters can expect waterfowl populations similar to last year. There may be some improvements in the early season due to a wet spring that provided good nesting conditions for local birds. Alberta, Canada also had favorable conditions, which is where many ducks and geese originate that pass through Idaho during their fall migration.
Most waterfowl species are also above long-term averages, and hunters have a long season to pursue ducks and geese.
Waterfowl hunters should also be aware of an omission in the 2018-19 Idaho Migratory Bird seasons and rules booklet. On page 11, two counties were unintentionally omitted from Area 2 for the light goose season, which also opens Oct. 6. Teton and Fremont counties are open for light goose hunting, which include blue, ross’ and snow geese.
Seasons for other waterfowl varies by species and area, so check the migratory game bird seasons and rules brochure for details.