To continue reduced harvest on hatchery steelhead and protect wild steelhead, Idaho Fish and Game is continuing the one-fish bag limit for steelhead until Dec. 31. The lower bag limit applies in the mainstem Clearwater River, Middle Fork Clearwater River, North Fork of the Clearwater River, South Fork Clearwater River, Snake River, Salmon River and Little Salmon River.
Because of the low returns, fisheries managers need to ensure there are enough steelhead returning to replenish hatcheries with eggs, and also protect wild steelhead, which are not open to harvest.
Steelhead runs have been down for several years, due in part to ocean conditions that have not favored their survival. Last year’s return was less than half of the 10-year average, and steelhead returning through early October were tracking at about 28 percent of the 10-year average.