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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Upper Salmon River weekly steelhead harvest report (3/5/18)

| idfg-vosborn

Steelhead angler effort increased this past week on the upper Salmon River. The majority of anglers were observed fishing downstream of North Fork in location code 15, but an increase in effort was also observed upstream, between North Fork and Ellis. Bank angler effort downstream of the Middle Fork in location code… more

March Shooting Events at BCR

| idfg-eoneale

March is a busy month at Black's Creek Public Shooting Range (BCR) with ten special shooting events scheduled. Or maybe you'd just like to come out for a little recreational shooting. Either way, we look forward to seeing you at BCR!

The list of scheduled shoots includes two M1 Carbine shoots, a Small Bore… more

Licensing system is back online and sales have resumed

| idfg-bstuder

The Fish and Game licensing system is back online with our new contractor and licensing system. We appreciate your patience as we get used to the new system!

Not all vendors have machines at this time. Out of the 434 vendors, 302 have them already, 79 will be delivered Wednesday, and the remaining should be… more

Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule

| idfg-eoneale

Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 17,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during March.

Location      Week Stocked      Number of Trout

Boise River - above Glenwood Bridge      March 5      1,440

Boise River - below Glenwood Bridge… more

F&G license sales will pause at 11 p.m. (Mountain Time), Feb. 28 and resume March 1

| idfg-rphillips

Fish and Game’s licensing system will temporarily shut down at 11 p.m. (Mountain Time), Feb. 28, and the plan is to resume selling licenses with the new system around noon on March 1. 

During this period, no licenses, tags or permits will be issued. The rollout of the new license-sales system coincides with… more

Upper Salmon weekly steelhead report (2/26/18)

| idfg-vosborn

Steelhead angler effort was much lower this week on the upper Salmon River compared to previous weeks. Overnight lows in the mid-teens, down to single digits, resulted in slush ice forming throughout the week. High winds also moved into the area on Saturday and Sunday. Anglers were observed fishing downstream of North… more

Mountain lion management includes close encounters with cats

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho has an abundant and self-sustaining population of mountain lions, and they’re an animal that Fish and Game officers and biologists deal with on a fairly regular basis during winter. This winter is no exception. 

Recent incidents have included a mountain lion killed by local sheriff’s deputies near an… more

Fish and Game Commission does not support House Bill 536 to revise trespass laws

| idfg-rphillips

Promoting respect for private property is a priority for the Idaho Fish and Game Commission because privately owned lands provide important wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities in Idaho. 

The commission does not support H536 out of concern it would make Idaho’s current trespass laws less enforceable… more

More trout are heading to Idaho fishing holes in 2018

| idfg-rphillips

Do anglers prefer more trout or larger trout? Idaho Fish and Game is answering that question by providing both in 2018 and beyond. 

Fish and Game will stock more rainbow trout throughout the state than in recent years thanks to the 2017 license and tag fee increase, and many trout will be bigger… more

Upper Salmon River steelhead harvest report (2/19/18)

| idfg-vosborn

Despite colder weather moving into the area, steelhead anglers continued having success over the past week on the upper Salmon River.

Angler effort was heavily concentrated in location code 15 between the Middle Fork and the North Fork. Anglers were observed fishing in other areas of the river between North… more

It's Still Ice Fishing Season!!

| idfg-rhand

The days may be getting longer, but there’s still some great opportunity to get out ice fishing! Looking for something a little bit different through the ice? Check out Soldier’s Meadow Reservoir for some great kokanee action, or maybe head to Deer Creek Reservoir for Tiger Trout or Brook Trout. Regardless of where… more

Spring steelhead anglers: Remember reduced steelhead limits through June

| idfg-rphillips

Steelhead anglers are reminded that Fish and Game commissioners extended the reduced bag and possession limits for the 2018 spring steelhead season, which starts January 1.

Daily steelhead bag limits are two daily and six in possession statewide. Only adipose fin-clipped steelhead may be harvested. Steelhead… more

Map Rock boat ramp on Snake River temporarily closed for improvement project

| idfg-rphillips

Work begins Feb. 26 on a fishing access improvement project at the Map Rock boat ramp along the Snake River south of Nampa, which will require public closure to the work site. The site is about 6 miles downstream from Walters Ferry on Map Rock Road on the north side of the river. It is one of five Fish and Game… more

South Fork incentive program means anglers can get bucks for 'bows

| idfg-jbrower

The South Fork Angler Incentive Program continues on the South Fork of the Snake River, and Fish and Game biologist Brett High was recently on the river capturing fish and putting coded wire tags in the snouts of rainbow trout and rainbow/cutthroat hybrids. 

The 777 marked trout are worth between $50 to $1,000… more

Clearwater steelhead fishing report (2/14/18)

| idfg-bstuder

Catch rates were slower this past week on the North Fork of the Clearwater (river sect 05). Anglers were spread out throughout this area and were seen using bobber and jig set-ups.


Most of the angling effort on the main stem of the Clearwater was focused around the Slaughter House hole (Dworshak… more

Kokanee Salvage Fishery Opened

| idfg-bbowersox

Hi everybody.

We have been getting some reports that kokanee are being flushed through Dworshak Dam, and flows are supposed to pick up again next week which could increase this entrainment. As such, our Director has approved the opening of a kokanee salvage season in the North Fork Clearwater River downstream… more

Mountain Lion Killed near Bruneau Elementary School

| idfg-eoneale

A mountain lion that spent a portion of the morning in a tree on the Bruneau Elementary School grounds was later shot and killed.

The cat was spotted about 8:00am and school authorities immediately locked the school down and contacted the Fish and Game Office in Nampa. “We did not have a conservation officer… more

Public Open House for Fishing Regulations and Salmon Season Setting at McCall Office IDFG Tuesday Feb. 20th

| idfg-dallen

Open house scheduled for February 20th at the McCall IDFG Office will help shape fishing rules and long-term management of Idaho waters. During February and March, Fish and Game’s fisheries managers will work with the public to shape three fishing proposals: 2018 Chinook Salmon seasons, upcoming statewide fishing… more