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Idaho Fish and Game


Upper Salmon River steelhead harvest report (2/19/18)


Despite colder weather moving into the area, steelhead anglers continued having success over the past week on the upper Salmon River.

Angler effort was heavily concentrated in location code 15 between the Middle Fork and the North Fork. Anglers were observed fishing in other areas of the river between North Fork and Challis, but effort was low compared to downstream.

  • Few anglers were interviewed downstream of the Middle Fork in location code 14, and these anglers did not report catching a steelhead.
  • Upstream of the Middle Fork in location code 15, interviewed anglers averaged 11 hours per steelhead caught and 22 hours per steelhead kept.
  • Upstream of North Fork in location code 16, interviewed anglers averaged 14 hours per steelhead caught and 27 hours per steelhead kept.
  • Upstream of the Lemhi River in location code 17, interviewed anglers averaged 13 hours per steelhead caught and 16 hours per steelhead kept.
  • No anglers interviewed upstream of the Pahsimeroi River in location code 18 reported catching a steelhead.

Currently, the Salmon River is flowing at 1,330 cfs through the town of Salmon which is 122% of average for today’s date. Water temperatures dropped throughout the week, and by Sunday they were in the low 30s with clear visibility. Check Harvest Report for more details. - Brent Beller, Fisheries Technician II, Salmon Region