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Idaho Fish and Game

Spring steelhead anglers: Remember reduced steelhead limits through June


Bag limits were reduced to ensure hatcheries are replenished

Steelhead anglers are reminded that Fish and Game commissioners extended the reduced bag and possession limits for the 2018 spring steelhead season, which starts January 1.

Daily steelhead bag limits are two daily and six in possession statewide. Only adipose fin-clipped steelhead may be harvested. Steelhead longer than 28 inches in total length cannot be harvested in the Clearwater River Basin or on the Snake River from the confluence (Lewiston) upstream to Couse Creek Boat Ramp.

All other 2018 steelhead rules apply, including season harvest limits, opening and closing dates. An updated brochure is available on the Steelhead Fishing Rules page at

The number of hatchery steelhead returning to Idaho is sufficient to provide a harvest fishery for adipose fin-clipped, hatchery-origin steelhead under reduced harvest limits through the spring season. The size restriction on the lower Snake and Clearwater rivers protects the larger “B-run” steelhead from overharvest and ensures enough will return to replenish hatcheries.

Limits for the 2018 spring season include:

Clearwater River Basin which includes the Mainstem Clearwater, North Fork Clearwater, Middle Fork Clearwater and South Fork Clearwater

  • Daily limit is two (2) adipose fin-clipped steelhead, none over 28 inches in total length;
  • Possession limit is six (6) adipose fin-clipped steelhead, none over 28 inches in total length

Salmon River

  • Daily limit is two (2) adipose fin-clipped steelhead
  • Possession limit is six (6) adipose fin-clipped steelhead

Snake River from the Washington/Idaho State line upstream to Couse Creek Boat Ramp (approximately 17 miles upstream of the Idaho-Washington border).

  • Daily limit is two (2) adipose fin-clipped steelhead, none over 28 inches in total length
  • Possession limit is six (6) adipose fin-clipped steelhead, none over 28 inches in total length

Snake River upstream from Couse Creek Boat Ramp, Snake River from Hells Canyon to Oxbow Dam and the Boise River

  • Daily limit is two (2) adipose fin-clipped steelhead
  • Possession limit is six (6) adipose fin-clipped steelhead