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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Upper Snake Region winter conditions report Dec. 23

| idfg-glosinski

The first weeks of December saw light snowfall with an increase in precipitation over the last week coupled with some cold temperatures. Elk, deer, and antelope have been seen in large groups in response to cold temperatures and moderate snowfall in late December. 

Sand Creek, Hamer

Snow depth is 4-6… more

New Year requires 2017 Idaho hunting and fishing license

| idfg-mdemick

Before heading out in the New Year, Idaho hunters and anglers are reminded to pick up a 2017 license.

Nearly all of Idaho's hunting and fishing licenses, tags, and permits are sold on a calendar year basis, and they expire December 31.

The only licenses or permit not sold on a calendar year basis are… more

Website provides information about banded waterfowl in Idaho

| idfg-rphillips

Waterfowl bands have a special place in waterfowl hunting. They're not ducks playing music, waterfowl bands are part of a long-running project where wildlife managers trap waterfowl, usually during late summer, and place small metal bands on the legs of ducks and geese to track migrations and populations.

As… more

Spring steelhead season opens New Year’s Day

| idfg-mdemick

For some anglers, the best thing about New Year's is the start of the spring steelhead season, which opens January 1 on parts of the Clearwater, Salmon, Little Salmon, Snake and Boise rivers.

But before wetting a line, anglers will need a 2017 Idaho fishing license and steelhead permit.

River sections… more

Idaho Fish & Game seeks input on moose, sheep and goat seasons

| idfg-mdemick

Proposed changes to moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat seasons for 2017 and 2018 are available for public review and comment on Fish and Game’s website at: 

Proposed season changes for moose occur primarily in the Panhandle and eastern Idaho, and… more

Big Game Scoping Meeting CDA Jan 5

| idfg-lwolf

A big game season setting scoping meeting will be held at the Panhandle Regional office on Thursday January 5th from 5:30-7:30 pm.  Big game includes deer, elk, mountain lion, black bear, and wolf. 

Come by to hear how our big game populations are doing in a presentation that will begin at… more

Chili Cook-off in Lewiston January 12th

| idfg-jbruns

Bring a pot of your favorite chili recipe and come join the discussion! Dinner will be served free of charge on a first come-first serve basis at the chili cook-off meeting starting at 5:30pm on Thursday, January 12th at the regional fish and game office, 3316 16th street in Lewiston.

Dinner meeting… more

The next state record perch is swimming in Lake Cascade

| idfg-dallen

It's officially now winter by looking at the calendar and the snow outside my window here in McCall. Lake Cascade near Cascade is now frozen hard and finally ready for ice fishing adventures. I’m always nervous about first ice, but the ice is looking good at about 8 inches (on Dec. 21) and gaining with… more

Does a bear sleep in the woods?

| idfg-mkillpack

By Jeremy Nicholson, Regional Wildlife Biologist

Idaho Department of Fish and Game monitors a number of collared grizzly bears.  One of these bears is a seven year old female, #728.  This particular sow gave birth to her first litter of three cubs in 2015.  She was spotted on an observation… more

Egin-Hamer closure goes into effect January 1st

| idfg-glosinski

December 16, 2016                                                … more

Henrys Lake offers ice fishing for trophy trout

| idfg-rphillips

Henrys Lake provides a unique opportunity for anglers to catch trophy-sized trout through the ice. It recently produced two catch-and-release state records for brook trout. On Dec. 11, Kazen Cromar caught, measured and released a 22-inch brook trout while ice fishing on the lake, surpassing… more

Cascade Reservoir Ice Fishing Report, Dec. 20

| idfg-rberkley

As of Dec. 19, there was no snow or slush on the ice, but that is changing and there's currently 5-6 inches and it’s still snowing! 

The access road to Sugarloaf Campground is closed due to snow and will not be plowed due to the poor condition of the road base.  There is minimal… more

Clearwater Steelhead Fishing Report (12/20/16)

| idfg-vosborn

Due to weather conditions this past week, steelhead fishing was slow on the Clearwater River.

Boat anglers who fished on river section 03 of the river (Mouth to Memorial) fished around the Lenore area or around Cherry Lane. There were a few shore anglers fishing in this area as well and most of them… more

Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule

| Anonymous (not verified)

Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing just under 1,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during January.



Marsing Pond January 1 450

Wilson Springs (Nampa) January 1 250

Wilson Springs (Nampa… more

Last minute Christmas gifts for hunters and anglers

| idfg-mdemick

Hunters and anglers are undoubtedly the easiest people to buy Christmas gifts for. There are items that would be appreciated that cost only a few dollars - all the way up to items that cost hundreds or more.

There is absolutely no end to the products that are available in the retail stores for someone on your… more

Trapper education courses slated in Nampa, Lewiston and Coeur d’ Alene

| idfg-mdemick

Idaho Fish and Game is offering three trapper education courses this winter. 

Upcoming courses include:

Nampa: January 21, 9 am to 6 pm, Sportsman's Warehouse, 16865 North Market Place  Lewiston: January 28, 8 am to 5 pm, Fish and Game Office, 3316 16th Street Coeur d’ Alene: March 11, 8 am to 5 pm,… more

Big Fish Donated to Idaho Anglers in Southern Idaho

| idfg-csundquist

During the month of November, Idaho's anglers received an early Christmas present. College of Southern Idaho and Clear Springs Foods donated nearly 2,000 rainbow trout broodstock to Idaho Department of Fish and Game. These big fish ranged from 18-24" and were stocked in southern Idaho waters from Sawyer's Pond in… more

Henrys Lake Ice Fishing Update

| idfg-dkeen

Another week of ice fishing and another Henrys Lake report. Overall this week the angling effort was down substantially. The 30 mph winds on Friday and the minus 15 temperatures on Saturday may have had something to do with that. Most of the effort was concentrated near Staley Springs or the… more