Proposed changes to moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat seasons for 2017 and 2018 are available for public review and comment on Fish and Game’s website at:
Proposed season changes for moose occur primarily in the Panhandle and eastern Idaho, and include combining some hunt units and tag changes in several hunt units. Bighorn sheep proposals include tag changes in several units and several new hunts, including for ewe. There are no proposed changes to mountain goat seasons from prior seasons and rules.
Comments can also be mailed to: 2017-2018 MSG Species Season Proposals, PO Box 25, Boise, ID 83707. The deadline for comments goes through January 4.
Public comments have been collected from 10 open house meetings held around the state. All comments will be summarized and presented to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission prior to setting the seasons at their January 26 meeting in Boise.