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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Chinook Salmon at MK Nature Center

| idfg-mdemick

Visitors to the MK Nature Center will have the opportunity to see one of Idaho's most amazing animals: Chinook salmon. Idaho's anadromous fish (including Chinook salmon) swim as far as 900 miles from the Pacific Ocean to spawn in the rivers and streams where they were hatched. Their journey is longer than any other fish… more

F&G Conducts Special Controlled Hunt Drawing

| idfg-sliebenthal

Some hunters who were unsuccessful in last month's controlled hunt drawing are eligible for a special drawing that will take place before July 10th. Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore released 283 additional tags for deer, elk and pronghorn for the special drawing. Moore announced the drawing in response to… more

Fish and Game Director Upholds Original Draw; Adds Tags

| idfg-sliebenthal

After careful review and consideration, Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore has chosen to allow all tags drawn on June 23rd for controlled hunts in Idaho to be awarded to those whose license numbers were chosen. To compensate for the tags that went to youth hunters under the age of twelve, the Director will release 283… more

Fish with an Officer Event Returns to Preston Area

| idfg-sliebenthal

Once again Idaho Fish and Game Conservation Officers want to take you fishing-for free! Don't have any gear? Don't have a fishing license? No problem. Just come to our Fish with an Officer event on Wednesday, July 9, from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Johnson Reservoir located about 4 miles east of Preston. Bring the… more

Chinook Salmon Return to Boise River

| idfg-mdemick

To expand opportunity for anglers to fish for one of Idaho's most prized game fish, Idaho Fish and Game will be releasing Chinook salmon into the Boise River on July 2nd. The salmon will be released sometime after noon at the Glenwood Bridge, the Americana Bridge and Barber Park locations only. Any angler wishing… more

75th - Celebrating the Nation's Icon

| idfg-sliebenthal

The bald eagle soared off the endangered species list in 2007, rebounding from 417 breeding pairs in the continental United States in 1967 to over 10,000 today. The recovery and delisting of the nation's symbol marks a major achievement in conservation. Idaho's breeding bald eagle population has experienced a 20-fold… more

Hagerman WMA Ponds Open for Salvage Fishing

| idfg-sliebenthal

Three ponds in the Hagerman Wildlife Management Area will be open for salvage fishing from July 1 to September 30, 2014. Bag, possession and size limits will be removed for all species except white sturgeon on the West Highway Pond, Anderson Pond #3 and Anderson Pond #4. These ponds have been overrun with carp. Fish… more

Fish & Game Commission to Meet in Salmon

| idfg-sliebenthal

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet Wednesday and Thursday, July 9 and 10 at the Salmon Region Office, 99 Highway 93 North in Salmon. A public hearing will begin at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 9. Members of the public who want to address the Commission on any topic having to do with Fish and Game business may do… more

Fishing Line Recycling Program Keeps Local Waters Tangle-free

| idfg-mdemick

In an effort to keep the Salmon River and local family fishing waters tangle free, the Salmon Region of Idaho Fish and Game and Salmon Valley Stewardship have launched the Reel In… more

Ask Fish and Game: Barbless Hooks in Boise River

| idfg-sliebenthal

Q: Do I have to use a barbless hook if fishing for salmon in the Boise River? A: No. The barbless rule in most Chinook salmon fisheries is designed to minimize harm to wild and natural salmon which are protected under the Endangered Species Act. Because no wild salmon return to the Boise River, the barbless… more

Fish & Game Revisits Controlled Hunt Decision

| idfg-sliebenthal

Idaho Fish and Game has heard from many concerned hunters and parents about our decision this week to allow 9 through 11 year olds to remain in the recently completed controlled hunt drawing. In response, Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore has decided to give this a second look and will make an announcement early next… more

Controlled Hunt Results Available

| idfg-sliebenthal

Results for Idaho's 2014 controlled hunts for deer, elk and pronghorn are now posted on the Idaho Fish at Game website. Hunters can check results at Check your hunting license for your license number, have it ready, and follow the steps. High interest in these results is causing some… more

Chinook Harvest Restricted on Little Salmon

| idfg-sliebenthal

Anglers in the fisheries for spring Chinook Salmon returning to Rapid River Hatchery have caught more than 90% of the non-tribal harvest share of that return. Idaho Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore has signed an order restricting the harvest of adult Chinook salmon on the Little Salmon River. At the end of fishing… more

Osprey Boat Cruise Planned for July 12

| idfg-sliebenthal

The osprey is a fish-eating hawk common to northern Idaho. At least 100 pairs nest annually in the Coeur d'Alene Lake region including the lower reaches of the St. Joe and Coeur d'Alene Rivers. Adult osprey along with the young of the year birds begin their annual migration in mid-September, traveling all the way to… more

75th Celebration; Digital Tools for the Digital Age

| idfg-sliebenthal

In the digital age not many people stop to think about how word of Ôgood fishing' spread in 1938. Few had telephones. If they did, word of a hot fishing location might Ôaccidently' spread by people listening on the party-line telephone system, or by the operator, who routed calls, telling a friend; but most fishing… more

New Photo Gallery Added to Fish and Game's Website

| idfg-sliebenthal

Do you have a photo from a recent Idaho hunting or fishing adventure you want to share? How about a photo you've taken of wildlife in Idaho? You can submit your favorite photos electronically to Fish and Game's website. To see what others have shared or to submit your own photo, go to… more

Fewer Sandhill Crane Tags this Year

| idfg-sliebenthal

The Pacific Flyway Council has allocated Idaho a harvest of 120 cranes for the 2014 season. This is the second consecutive year Idaho's allocation has been reduced. It is the lowest since 1996. This is due to a decline in the most recent three-year average of cranes counted during the annual September survey. Idaho… more

Ask Fish & Game: Packaging and Salmon Possession

| idfg-sliebenthal

Q: If I have my salmon processed and packaged by a commercial processor, but it is still in my cooler in Riggins, is it still a part of my possession limit? A: Yes. Regardless of how the fish has been processed, it is part of your possession until it reaches its final place of storage and consumption (storage by the… more