Ask Fish & Game: Packaging and Salmon Possession
Anonymous (not verified)
Q: If I have my salmon processed and packaged by a commercial processor, but it is still in my cooler in Riggins, is it still a part of my possession limit?
A: Yes. Regardless of how the fish has been processed, it is part of your possession until it reaches its final place of storage and consumption (storage by the processor does not qualify). You can remove fish from your possession and stay on the river by sending them home with a friend. You must include a proxy statement showing the number and kinds of fish and the date taken, along with your name, address and fishing license number. This does not remove fish from daily bag limits, but can reduce the number of fish in one's possession. You can also remove a salmon from possession if you have a large enough crew to eat one in camp. If you or someone else processes your salmon, it is important to remember to keep the scar from the clipped adipose fin intact and attached to some part of the processed fish.