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Idaho Fish and Game

bighorn ram head shot small photo Dave Albiston

Video: See bighorn sheep management in the field and the partnership between F&G and the Wild Sheep Foundation


Bighorn sheep are elusive animals who inhabit some of Idaho’s most rugged and remote terrain. Knowing what’s happening with bighorn herds can be a challenge, and sometimes, big challenges are best accomplished with a team. 

In this case, the team consists of Idaho Fish and Game and the Wild Sheep Foundation, and you can see that work in action in this video: 

“Idaho Fish and Game, the Idaho Chapter and National Wild Sheep Foundation have formed a great partnership with the Sheep Foundation contributing resources to bighorn sheep projects prioritized by Fish and Game,” said Fish and Game Staff Biologist Hollie Miyasaki.  “These resources include radio collars, capture expenses, technician wages, and help from volunteers. We really appreciate the collaboration because it helps Fish and Game expand efforts and learn more about bighorn sheep habitat use, migration patterns, causes of mortality, and work to address health issues in multiple populations around the state. This work is very important for successful sheep management.”

Throughout Idaho in 2023-24, a total of 243 bighorn sheep were captured, collared, disease tested and released. The collars have provided valuable information on seasonal movements, habitat utilization, bighorn behavior and predation. During winter, Fish and Game and Sheep Foundation volunteers plan to collar over 200 more bighorn sheep and gather more information to aid in bighorn management. 

Idaho Wild Sheep Foundation is a non-profit organization formed to enhance wild sheep populations in Idaho, and with partners in adjacent states, for public enjoyment, education, fair chase hunting, and to promote professional wildlife management while protecting sportsmen's rights.