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Idaho Fish and Game

WT deer tooth envelope

Fish and Game wants your (white-tailed deer) teeth!


Second year of white-tailed deer tooth collection is underway in units 1, 6, 8A and 10A

With archery seasons already underway and rifle seasons right around the corner, Idaho Fish and Game would once again like white-tailed deer hunters in units 1, 6, 8A, and 10A to consider donating the front teeth, or incisors, of their harvests for this ongoing study. Teeth from harvested deer will continue to provide information to help Fish and Game learn more about the age structure of white-tailed deer in northern Idaho. 

Collecting teeth from as many deer as possible in these units is important. If you are a white-tailed deer hunter in one of these units and have not received information about tooth collection and would like to participate, you may also request a tooth collection envelope by calling or stopping by your regional Idaho Fish and Game Office

Thanks to hunter participation, over 600 white-tail deer teeth were submitted in 2023 from units 8A and 10A in the Clearwater Region. If you're interested in results from last year's tooth collection effort, check out blog #3, here: Clearwater wildlife blog series: Installment #3- White-tailed deer teeth results | Idaho Fish and Game

NOTE: New this year, Fish and Game is asking hunters to include antler circumference measurement. Check out the diagram below or refer to the video to learn how to record that measurement!

tooth diagram
Antler circumference

Hunters can submit teeth at regional offices, check stations, or by mail. Once a hunter submits a tooth, he or she will receive a post card in the mail confirming that we have received the tooth and an estimate of when you can expect to learn the age of your harvested deer. In general, it takes the lab 6 – 10 months to process samples and return age information. 

If you plan to hunt white-tailed deer in these units, please consider adding a tooth envelope to your pack! Information provided by hunters as part of this effort will continue to improve our understanding of white-tailed deer age structure and inform white-tailed deer management in Idaho. 

Thanks for your participation!

tooth collection