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Idaho Fish and Game

tight shot of a gray wolf in Fall

F&G seeking public comment on Draft Gray Wolf Management Plan 2023-2028


Public can review the plan and submit comments through March 6

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking comments on its Draft Gray Wolf Management Plan 2023-2028. The plan will provide guidance for staff and set goals and strategies that will be carried out through hunting and trapping season setting and other management actions. 

Designed to span six years, this plan identifies goals and strategies to reduce wolf numbers and to manage Idaho’s wolf population to fluctuate around 500 animals. The plan also describes mechanisms for moderating wolf mortality as the population approaches 500, improving monitoring techniques and managing wolf conflicts with livestock and other big game, particularly elk. 

The public comment period is now open and closes March 6. 

Review and comment on Draft Gray Wolf Management Plan 2023-2028

The public is encouraged to review the plan and provide input on whether they support, support with concerns or do not support the plan. People can address certain items of support or concern in the "general comments" section. Referring to specific sections or pages in the plan is encouraged. 

This Draft Gray Wolf Management Plan incorporates knowledge gained from nearly three decades of wolf monitoring and management about how wolves use Idaho’s landscape, interact with other big game animals and livestock and react to different levels and types of harvest. 

For more information and to review the full management plan, go to Fish and Game’s wolf management plan webpage here