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Idaho Fish and Game

skull prep

CWD skull preparation for compliance in CWD management zone


Fish and Game receives many questions about how to properly care for a skull of a harvest deer or elk in a CWD management zone. In part 1 of the following skull preparation video series, Regional Conservation Officer George Fischer demonstrates how to remove and completely clean and dry a skull cap from a harvested deer or elk in a CWD management zone to comply with CWD transport rules. 

In part two of the video series, Officer Fischer shows how to remove the flesh, boil, scrape and completely clean and dry both the skull cap and full skull of a harvested deer or elk in a CWD management area. Check out these two videos below for more details! Contact the Clearwater regional office at (208) 799-5010 for more information. 

clean skull cap
skull prep

Units 14 and 15 are currently designated a CWD Management Zone. Hunters who harvest deer, elk, or moose in those units must follow transport rules and have their animals tested to prevent the disease from spreading to other areas of the state.

Carcass transport

  • Whole carcasses of harvested deer, elk, and moose may not be transported out of a CWD Management Zone.
  • Animals must be quartered with spine left in the field (tail and evidence of sex attached to quarters). Head should remain in the field if lymph nodes have been removed for CWD testing.
  • It is illegal to possess or transport a full carcass or any part of a deer, elk, or moose taken from Units 14 or 15 in any part of the state outside of these units except quarters, boned-out meat, dried antlers, or cleaned and dried skulls or skull caps. The following are exceptions for meat and some other parts:
    • Head to take to IDFG for mandatory sampling
    • Meat that is cut and wrapped
    • Quarters or deboned meat that does not include brain or spinal tissue
    • Edible organs that do not include brains
    • Hides without heads
    • Upper canine teeth (ivories)
    • Finished taxidermy
    • Dried antlers
    • Cleaned and dried skulls or skull caps
    • Skull caps that do not include brain or spinal tissue
    • Domestic cervids

Taking an animal to a taxidermist or meat processor

  • The animal may be caped and taken to a taxidermist, but it may not leave Units 14 or 15 and must still be taken to Fish and Game staff for sampling.
  • Quarters or deboned meat may leave the site, but gut piles and spine should remain at the kill site.

Mandatory testing

  • All deer, elk and moose must be tested for CWD.
  • Lymph node samples must be submitted within 10 days of harvest. 
  • Hunters may take a CWD sample (lymph nodes taken from the head) in the field, or bring the animal’s head to a check station, drop-off location, or Idaho Fish and Game regional office.
  • Quarter or debone the animal at the kill site and leave gut piles and spine if traveling outside of Units 14 or 15.
  • If staying within Units 14 or 15, the spinal cords and heads must be disposed of in an approved solid waste landfill, dumpster or trash can that will be taken to an approved landfill.
  • Antlers should be removed in the field if the hunter is also taking a CWD sample in the field.
  • All heads removed from the kill site must be brought to a check station or Fish and Game office for CWD sampling. IDFG staff will assist with antler removal and cleaning, but will retain the remainder of the skull for proper disposal.
  • Hunters may keep antlers, but heads will not be returned to hunters after sampling.
  • Dumpsters are available to properly dispose of inedible remains of deer, elk and moose after butchering.
skull prep
The skull cap in the middle of the photo and the cleaned skull on the right are ready to transport out of a CWD management zone. Due to the flesh still remaining on the skull, the skull on the left is not ready and would NOT be legal to transport out of a CWD zone (unless it is taken to a regional office). A skull in this condition would need to be skull capped before leaving a regional office.
final skull prep