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Idaho Fish and Game

Wildlife Health: CWD Sampling
Head Barrel – Camp 9 Road - October 3 through January 31
Before you go

This location is established to collect your Idaho samples to test for Chronic Wasting Disease.

Head barrel is a bear-resistant trash can. Follow instructions on can to open. Please remember to close can completely when finished.

CWD sample collection at this site is available between October 3 through January 31. Self-collected lymph nodes or heads are accepted at this location.

Please provide all information on head tags, attach head tag to the head, place in provided trash bag, and deposit in freezer.

Follow instructions on the Idaho Fish and Game signage (i.e., barrel).

CWD Sampling Location

This location is established to collect your Idaho samples to test for Chronic Wasting Disease.  Find other locations 

  • CWD sample collection at this site is available between to .

1883 Camp Nine Rd
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
United States