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Echelon Scientific (Common) Other Names
Species Urocerus californicus (A Horntail) A Horntail Species Urocitellus armatus (Uinta Ground Squirrel) Uinta Ground Squirrel, Uinita Ground Squirrel Species Urocitellus beldingi (Belding's Ground Squirrel) Belding's Ground Squirrel, Belding's Ground Squirell
Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus) -- Photo Public Domain by Diane Evans-Mack, Idaho Fish & Game Species Urocitellus brunneus (Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel) Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel, Norhern Idaho Ground Squirrel Species Urocitellus canus (Merriam's Ground Squirrel) Columbia Plateau Ground Squirrel, Merriam's Ground Squirrel, Snake River Ground Squirrel, Gray Ground Squirrel Species Urocitellus columbianus (Columbian Ground Squirrel) Columbian Ground Squirrel
Wyoming Ground squirrel (Urocitellus elegans) - photo Public Domain by Beth Waterbury, Idaho Fish and Game Species Urocitellus elegans (Wyoming Ground Squirrel) Wyoming Ground Squirrel, Nevada Ground Squirrel Species Urocitellus endemicus (Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel) Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel
Photo Courtesy USAF Airman Shane Phipps Species Urocitellus mollis (Piute Ground Squirrel) Piute Ground Squirrel, "Whistle Pig", Great Basin Ground Squirrel
Species Uroleucon escalanti (An Aphid) An Aphid
Species Uropoda minor (A Mite) A Mite Species Ursus americanus (American Black Bear) American Black Bear, Black Bear Species Ursus arctos (Grizzly Bear) Grizzly Bear, Brown Bear, Grizzly Bear or Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Grizzly Bear, Brown Bear And Grizzly Bear, Mexican Grizzly Bear, Gobi Bear, Kamchatka Brown Bear, Silvertip Bear Species Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle, California Nettle, European Stinging Nettle, Greater Nettle, True Nettle, Great Nettle, Slender Nettle, Tall Nettle Species Uta stansburiana (Common Side-blotched Lizard) Common Side-blotched Lizard, Side-blotched Lizard, San Benito Island Lizard, San Lorenzo Islands Lizard, Elegans: Western Or California Side-blotched Lizard, Nevadensis: Nevada Side-blotched Lizard, Stansburiana: Northern Side-blotched Lizard, Stejnegeri: Desert Side-blotched Lizard, Taylori:, Uniformis: Colorado Side-blotched Lizard