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Idaho Fish and Game

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking comments on its 2024-2025 Migratory Game Bird Season proposals.

Review the draft proposal below and submit comments by 6 p.m. MST, March 24, 2024.

After reviewing feedback and considering agency goals, season recommendations will be presented to the Commission for their consideration via conference call on April 17.

The Pacific and Central Flyway Management Plan for the Rocky Mountain Population (RMP) of sandhill cranes allows for the regulated harvest of cranes when the population exceeds 15,000, as estimated by the average of the three most recent reliable surveys. The allowable harvest for the RMP during the 2024 hunting season is 3,006 sandhill cranes. 

Idaho’s 2024 crane harvest allocation, as provided by the Flyway Management Plan, is 298 cranes, up from 267 in 2023.

The Department proposes the following actions:

All tags (656) will be offered on a first-come first-served basis at any vendor as per the allocation below. This is a 70 tag increase from 2023. 

Hunt Area         Season          Tags

1 – Bear Lake     9/1-9/30         304  340 

2 - Teton            9/1-9/15         50    56

3 - Fremont       9/1-9/15          42    47

3 - Fremont       9/16-9/30        42    47

4 - Jefferson      9/1-9/15          28    31

4 - Jefferson      9/16-9/30        28    31

5 - Swan Lake    9/1-9/30          46   52

6 - Malad           9/1-9/30          46   52

The daily bag limit is 2 cranes for all hunts. The season bag limit is 2 cranes.

Sandhill crane flying over grainfield. Photo by Jason Beck IDFG