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Idaho Fish and Game

These are the WILD Old Times

At a recent WILD About Turkeys Workshop in Pocatello, 26 teachers from across the state had the chance to learn everything possible about turkeys. In addition to classroom presentations, the teachers got firsthand experience to view more than 150 turkeys in the wild. Teachers not only learned about fun crafts related to turkeys for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, they also learned how to use the interesting fowl as a vehicle to teach math, science and reading concepts. Teachers also learned about turkey conservation and more about the sport aspect of turkey hunting and had a chance to practice shotgun and archery skills. The WILD About Turkey Workshop was designed by conservation educators in Idaho and is the most comprehensive workshop of its type for teachers in the nation. These species specific workshops build on the basics taught in the Introductory Project WILD Workshop. Teachers who take the introductory workshop are then ready for more advanced workshops like the WILD About Turkey Workshop, or the upcoming WILD About Winter Ecology Workshop planned for Harriman State Park in January. The Introductory Workshop starts late Friday afternoon December 6, and then goes all day Saturday. The Winter Workshop will start early Friday evening January 24 and run through noon on Sunday. The introductory workshop can be taken for one college credit and the winter workshop for two. The Winter Workshop is more involved because it requires teachers to either ski or snowshoe to where the class is being held and will involve a two night stay. For details about these workshops, visit the education section of the Idaho Fish and Game website at: If you have questions about any of these workshops call Gregg Losinski, regional conservation educator at 208-525-7290 or email at The Introductory Workshop costs $25 for materials and is available for Idaho STARS credit. The Winter Workshop is $125. Teachers can also receive college credit at additional cost, depending on the institution. Participants get guide books full of activities and lesson plans and the latest information on fish and wildlife living in our state.