Idaho Fish and Game wildlife managers are asking deer hunters to review Fish and Game’s draft management plans for mule deer and white-tailed deer and provide feedback to the department on the overall concepts of the plans and whether topics are missing that might improve them.
Two open houses will be held locally to discuss the management plans, and hunters are asked to review the plans before attending.
- Salmon: June 18, 4 to 7 p.m., F&G Regional Office, 99 Hwy 93 North
- Challis: June 19, 4 to 7 p.m., Challis Event Center, 411 Clinic Road
There are separate plans for mule deer and white-tailed deer, but both focus on a variety of topics that include population management and also frameworks and concepts for hunting seasons that will maintain sustainable deer herds and strive to meet hunters’ expectations.
Both plans are available for online review and comment at: Mule Deer Plan -, White-tailed Deer Plan -
Hunters have until June 28 to comment on the plans online, at open houses, or by calling a regional office.
Both plans are the result of extensive hunter surveys that were done in 2017-18 where mule deer and white-tailed hunters shared their expectations. Those surveys were incorporated into the draft plans, which will guide deer herd management over the next six years.
The plans mostly outline broad management prescriptions and concepts that typically do not go into unit-by-unit detail, nor do the plans provide season frameworks or specific rules, which are addressed in the big game season setting and rules process.
After hunters review and comment on the draft plans, wildlife managers will incorporate those comments and revise plans, then present a final draft to the Fish and Game Commission later this summer.