Fish Stocking and Schedules
Fish and Game stocks over 30-million fish from its hatcheries into rivers, lowland lakes, reservoirs and mountain lakes every year.
Stocked fish include fry, fingerlings, and catchable sized fish from 18 species and 16 strains. Most of the resident hatchery fish released are rainbow trout and kokanee salmon. Other fish raised and planted by Idaho’s hatcheries include walleye, channel catfish, and tiger muskie. Hatchery raised trout, especially the catchable size of 10-12 inches, are stocked where they are likely to be caught.
Current Stocking Schedule
Catchable fish are stocked in the Spring, Summer and early Fall at many ponds and lakes throughout the state. Check these regional fishing report links to see if fish have been stocked in your area.
Historical Stocking
View over 100,000 fish stocking events statewide since 1967. Many anglers use historical records from several years back to identify lakes and streams with mature fish today.

Idaho Fishing Planner
Complete fishery data for Idaho's waters. Find recommended fishing waters, family fishing waters, fish presence, stocking reports, species, facilities, maps and rules.