Guidelines for Catch and Release Records
Only fish caught in publicly-accessible waters with legal fishing methods during an open season are eligible for State Records. All applicants must have a valid Idaho fishing license at the time the fish was caught. No records will be awarded for fish caught during salvage seasons or at private pay-to-fish facilities. No records will be awarded for fish caught with nets or traps.

General Guidelines
- Fish must be released alive. See tips on safely releasing fish in the Fishing Rules booklet .
- Steelhead, ocean run salmon, Bull Trout and White Sturgeon submitted for records must be measured and photographed in the water.
- Catch-and-Release Records are based only on the total length (snout to tip of tail) for fish released alive.
- Fish must be photographed directly next to a ruler/tape or an object of known verifiable length (such as this rule book).
- New catch/release White Sturgeon records (Catch and Release only) must be broken by a minimum of 2 inches.
- Catch/Release records for all other species must be broken by a minimum of ½ inch.
- Fish within ¼ inch of the current record will be recognized as a tied record.
- Note: Fish and Game staff may exercise discretion in awarding records less than ½ inch when the applicant’s catch is clearly larger than the standing record.
- All applications must be submitted within 30 days of the catch date.
- Fish and Game staff will review new applications within 30 days of receipt and may investigate, verify and will reject any application or award granted if deemed questionable.
How to Apply for a Catch-and-Release Record
All applicants must submit a complete Record Fish Application Form, with accompanying photographs. This form can be completed online, or downloaded from the IDFG website.
Catch and Release Records require the following:
- Fish must be released. See tips on safely releasing fish (Fishing Rules booklet)!
- Measure the total length from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail, with lobes of tail squeezed together. Sturgeon should be measured upside down along the belly from the snout to tip of the upper lobe of the tail fin. Check the sturgeon measuring guidelines page for details.
- At least one photo of the fish laying flat, directly next to a ruler/tape or an object of known verifiable length (such as this rule book).
- Salmon, Steelhead and White Sturgeon must be measured and photographed in the water.
- At least one photo of the angler with the fish.
- At least one witness to the measurement and release.