The Idaho Point-headed Grasshopper (Acrolophitus pulchellus) was found in eastern Idaho for the first time in 17 years. In 2010, IDFG Wildlife Diversity Biologist Beth Waterbury led an effort to search for the species which had not been found since 1993. Efforts of other researchers in 2002 and 2003 failed to document the species leading to speculation that it may be extinct. Undaunted, Waterbury and her team set out to the field in 2010 and captured 55 individuals of this species from 13 localities. Knowledge of where this Idaho endemic species occurs will enable IDFG and partners to develop and enact conservation actions for it. This project was not part of the Multi-species Baseline Initiative, just another of many IDFG efforts to "see what's out there".
Article in Western North American Naturalist 74(3)
Rediscovered Populations of the Idaho Point-headed Grasshopper, Waterbury B.