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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

¡Vamos a pescar! Fish and Game organiza un evento de pesca de otoño en McTucker Ponds cerca de Springfield

| idfg-imalepeai

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¡Vamos a Pescar! ¡Idaho Fish and Game está organizando un evento comunitario para presentar a los residentes de habla inglesa y español del sureste y este de Idaho a la pesca!

Únase a Fish and Game el sábado 24 de septiembre en McTucker Ponds cerca de Springfield para… more

10 tips for hunters during fire season

| idfg-mdemick

With ideal conditions for wildfires to spread and with more hunters heading afield, hunters should pay close attention to fire closures and be prepared to alter their plans if necessary. They should also do their part to ensure they aren't contributing to the problem.

Here are 10 things every hunter can do… more

Help fight wildlife crime by calling the CAP hotline at (800) 632-5999

| idfg-cliess

With some hunting seasons underway and more opening soon, Idaho Fish and Game asks the public to call the Citizens Against Poaching (CAP) hotline if they witness a violation of wildlife laws.

“The public plays a critical role in detecting and addressing wildlife crimes,” said Brian Jack, Idaho Fish and Game… more

Traps, snares and pets can be a bad combination, and here's how to avoid a problem

| idfg-cliess

With many trapping seasons opening in October, upland game bird hunters and other folks recreating with off-leash pets are reminded to avoid traps and be prepared to act quickly in the event their hunting or hiking companion becomes trapped.

Most traps and snares are simple in design and easy to operate if you… more

Large adult male grizzly bear euthanized in Boundary County after repeated attacks on livestock

| idfg-tjross

On September 12, Idaho Fish and Game along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and USDA Wildlife Services euthanized a large adult male grizzly bear in Boundary County near the town of Naples.

There has been a series of livestock losses due to grizzly bears this spring and summer, and this is the second… more

F&G Southwest Region staff offering free courses to teach hunters how to collect their own CWD samples

| idfg-bpearson

During September, wildlife staff in Idaho Fish and Game’s Southwest and Clearwater Regions will be offering free courses to teach hunters how to collect lymph node samples from the animals they harvest to have them sampled for chronic wasting disease.

The courses are intended primarily for deer, elk and moose… more

Tributary 'plumes' as coldwater oasis in the Middle Fork Salmon River

| idfg-mheller

Recent years have seen above-average hot summers and below-average rain and snow, leaving many to wonder how that affects wild trout populations in Idaho rivers. While tributary streams are important for spawning and also raising juvenile fish, these small streams may play a much bigger role in other ways.

The… more

Here's what upland game bird hunters can expect for 2022

| idfg-cliess

Idaho, with one of the most rugged landscapes in the union, offers a multitude of upland game bird hunting opportunities. Whether you find yourself in the high-mountain timber or the lowland-sagebrush steppe, there’s a good chance you’re in upland bird country.

Upland game birds are sensitive to environmental… more

Youth pheasant hunt scheduled Oct. 1 in Salmon

| idfg-mdemick

Idaho Department of Fish and Game will host a youth pheasant hunt in Salmon on Saturday, October 1.

Designed for youth ages 10-17, the event is free and will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The youth will begin their day at the Fish and Game office learning about pheasants and safely hunting… more

Don't forget the tenderloins when field dressing your elk or deer this fall

| idfg-sross

Hunting season in Idaho is already warming up. As the weeks go by we will make the final preparations for fall, hunters often find themselves asking critical questions like “Is my rifle or bow sighted in?” “Are my good knives still in my pack?” “Where did I put my tags” “Where am I going to set up camp this year?” “… more

There is a human element to anadromous fish in the Upper Salmon Basin

| idfg-mdemick

By Shelly Hiron - Fisheries Technician

Whether it is up in a forested riparian drainage working in a creek, at a screen monitoring site salvaging fish, or installing a new screen or screw trap, the human element at the Idaho Fish and Game Screen Shop in Salmon is full throttle in the summer.  The public… more

Free Shooting Skills Clinics scheduled in Eastern Idaho

| idfg-jbrower

Fish and Game, Eagle Rock Gun School and Club, and the Idaho Hunter Education Association have teamed up to offer a free shotgun and rifle shooting clinic to help hunters get on-target and ready for the upcoming field season.  Both events will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Eagle Rock gun range located just… more

F&G tracks bull trout populations by counting the spots where they spawn

| idfg-bbowersox

This time of year Fish and Game fisheries staff have provided a variety of cool stories about our work on Chinook redd walks to track those populations. But, Chinook aren’t the only native fall spawner we track using this method, bull trout is another native Idahoan that has their spawning nests counted each… more

Deadline is Oct. 21 to apply for Citizens Shooting Range Advisory Committee

| idfg-cliess

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking members of the public to volunteer to serve on a Citizens Shooting Range Advisory Committee, which will be responsible for providing input about public shooting range grant applications annually.

Members of the public who actively use shooting ranges, have experience managing or… more

Volunteer Opportunity to help restore wildlife habitat in the Magic Valley after the 2020 Badger Fire

| idfg-tthompson

Fall is right around the corner which traditionally brings cooler temperatures and fall rain, making it the perfect time to plant sagebrush to restore big game winter range lost during the Badger Fire. The Sawtooth National Forest, Minidoka Ranger District and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Magic Valley Region… more

Waterfowl season for youth and veterans/active military runs the weekend of Sept. 24-25

| idfg-cliess

Duck and goose hunting is one of the most exciting ways to get a youth hunter geared up for hunting. Oftentimes, the sheer abundance of waterfowl flying overhead or bobbing out in the water mesmerizes youngsters enough to potentially take their minds off the discomfort of sitting in near-freezing water later in the… more

Video: How to field dress a deer, elk or moose in a chronic wasting disease management zone

| idfg-jbruns

Now that CWD has come to Idaho, Idaho Fish and Game is receiving lots of questions for hunters about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and what does this mean for hunters in the management zone (Units 14 & 15). Here are a few things to be aware of;

All hunters who harvest a deer, elk or moose in a CWD Management… more

Kamiah RV and Equipment Storage Building

| idfg-cchristensen


Sealed proposals will be received by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, 600 South Walnut, PO Box 25, Boise, Idaho 83707, until 2:00 p.m., prevailing local time, on October 6th, 2022 for DFG Project No. 2023-102, Kamiah RV and Equipment Storage Building. Bids mailed to… more