Fish and Game, Eagle Rock Gun School and Club, and the Idaho Hunter Education Association have teamed up to offer a free shotgun and rifle shooting clinic to help hunters get on-target and ready for the upcoming field season. Both events will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Eagle Rock gun range located just west of Idaho Falls. Registration is mandatory for both events but is free to all participants. A google map is available by following the registration link provided below.
Shotgun Clinic (10am-12pm)
This free event is for shooters 10 and up that are able to demonstrate safe gun-handling practices and want to hone their shotgun skills.
- Shooters are encouraged to bring their own shotgun but a variety of shotguns will also be available for shooters to try out different models.
- Certified Hunter Education Instructors from the local IHEA will be on hand to teach gun safety and shotgun shooting skills.
- Target ammunition for the more common gauges will be available free of charge during the event.
- Clay pigeon stations will be set up with both a beginner and more advanced option.
Rifle Clinic (1:30pm-3:30pm)
This free event is for shooters ages 10 and up that can demonstrate safe firearm handling skills and would like help getting their rifles sighted in.
- Bring your rifle and ammo and get help sighting it in from Certified Range Officers and Hunter Education Instructors.
- If you don't have a personal firearm, a variety will be available for you to use or learn to shoot.
- Eagle Rock range offers covered shooting benches with up to 100 yard distances.
To Register
Visit: Upcoming Events - Hunting & Shooting Sports (
For questions regarding this fun opportunity please contact Volunteer Services Coordinator Gerren Steel at or (208) 535-8039