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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Henrys Lake Produces Yet Another Record Catch

| idfg-dgarren

In a year noted for big fish, Henrys Lake produced yet another entry into the catch and release record books.  Angler Jerry Dawkins of Salt Lake City submitted his 23.5" hybrid (rainbow x cutthroat hybrid, or cutbow) after catching the fish on the last day of the fishing season. … more

Hells Canyon Bighorn Sheep Capture Underway

| idfg-jbruns

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife plan to capture 100 bighorn sheep in five Hells Canyon herds February 2nd –14th as part of the ongoing Hells Canyon Initiative to restore bighorn sheep populations. 


SW Region Big Game Winter Feeding Update - February 1, 2017

| Anonymous (not verified)

It’s been more than a week since we had significant snowfall across the region, but snow levels remain fairly static and crusted in most areas due to cold daytime temperatures. It appears we might get a little relief from the cold later this week. Let’s all hope so.

Winter feeding efforts have ramped… more

Restoring Habitat for Steelhead in the Potlatch River Watershed

| idfg-jbruns

Steelhead jumping Big Bear Falls Potlatch River Basin
CAPTION: Steelhead jumping Big Bear Falls Potlatch River Basin

by Tiege Ulschmid and Joe DuPont

Every year hundreds of wild adult steelhead make the 500 mile journey from the Pacific Ocean to the Potlatch River, a… more

Clearwater River Steelhead Fishing Update

| idfg-bbowersox

Steelhead fishing on the Clearwater River has remained good over the past week.  Catch rates from the mouth to Orofino Bridge (Section 3) and in the North Fork Clearwater River (Section 5) have remained below 10 hrs/fish caught.  As we’ve said before, anytime those catch rates are below 10 hrs/fish it’s good… more

Fish and Game Seeks Input on Upcoming Chinook Salmon Seasons

| Anonymous (not verified)

Plan now to attend a Fish and Game public open house to provide input that will help shape this year’s Chinook salmon seasons. Idaho Fish and Game fishery personnel will be presenting information on this year’s Chinook run forecast and discussing strategies on how to best manage the sport fishery.


Fish and Game is feeding about 20,000 big game animals this winter

| idfg-rphillips

This winter’s cold temperatures and deep snow at low elevations has prompted Idaho Fish and Game to implement emergency big game feeding at nearly 110 locations across southern and eastern Idaho. Winter conditions in the Panhandle, Clearwater and Salmon areas are closer to normal so emergency… more

Elk, Ranchers and Winter

| idfg-vosborn

When winter pushes elk and deer down into the valleys, hay stacks and farm fields are tempting targets for an easy meal. Idaho Fish and Game works closely with landowners to protect hay stacks and livestock.  The following video explores some of the tools Fish and Game use to encourage wildlife to move on.


Clearwater Winter Feeding Report - January 30, 2017

| idfg-staff


The Fish and Game Clearwater Region does not normally declare winter feeding emergencies and has never established a Winter Feeding Advisory Committee as per IC36-123. 

January 30, 2017 status report

There is currently no feeding in the Clearwater Region, but… more

Magic Valley Winter Feeding Report - January 30, 2017

| idfg-staff


The Magic Valley Region has significant history of winter feeding and has an active Winter Feeding Advisory Committee.

January 30, 2017 status report

Magic Valley Regional staff toured the Bellevue/Picabo/Carey areas and met with approximately 30 landowners and… more

Southeast Winter Feeding Report January 31, 2017

| idfg-staff


The Southeast Region has significant history of winter feeding and has an active Winter Feeding Advisory Committee.  Members of the WFAC include:

Eric Hancock, Pocatello, 208-242-9365
David Priestley, Preston, 339-0227
Dennis Caywood, Montpelier,… more

Upper Snake Winter Feeding Report - January 30, 2017

| idfg-staff


Fish and Game's Upper Snake Region has significant history of winter feeding and has an active Winter Feeding Advisory Committee. The Henry Creek Fire burned over 50,000 acres in the summer of 2016, including over 30,000 acres of the Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area. Tex Creek WMA provides… more

Southwest Winter Feeding Report - January 30, 2017

| idfg-staff


The Southwest Region has a long history of big game winter feeding efforts. The Winter Feeding Advisory Committee, made up of several citizen volunteers, continues to meet and review current winter conditions and evaluate needs to declare more winter feeding emergencies based on factors… more

Winter feeding fact sheet

| idfg-rphillips

Link to videos of wintering wildlife and winter feeding here.

Photos and cutlines are below. 

This winter’s cold temperatures and deep snow at low elevations has prompted Idaho Fish and Game to implement emergency big game feeding at nearly 110 locations across southern Idaho… more

Salmon Winter Feeding Report - January 30, 2017

| idfg-rphillips


Winter feeding last occurred in the late 90’s in the Stanley area.

January 30, 2017 status report

The winter feeding advisory committee met on Jan. 23 and discussed the criteria, current conditions, elk numbers and depredation hot spots. They decided that… more

Clearwater Region Big Game Public Meetings Scheduled

| idfg-jbruns

Idaho Department of Fish and Game wants to hear from hunters about proposed changes to the 2017-2018 big game seasons. 

Interested individuals can visit with department personnel concerning the proposed season changes and provide their written comments by attending any of four open house… more

Winter big game feeding is reserved for emergencies

| idfg-tcuret

After several mild winters in a row, this year’s winter above average precipitation and colder temperatures has felt a lot harsher for both people and wildlife. But while people can retreat to the warm comfort of a home, big game face the brunt of winter out in the elements as they have done for eons. As snowpacks… more

Mountain lion harvest season closed in southeast Idaho

| idfg-mdemick

Mountain lion hunters should note that the harvest season for both female and male mountain lion has closed in game management Units 66A, 68, 68A, 70, 71, 72, 73, 73A, 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78, as the harvest quota of 22 females has been reached.  The dog training season will remain open in these units through… more