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Idaho Fish and Game

winter feeding_truck with hay

Southeast Winter Feeding Report January 31, 2017



The Southeast Region has significant history of winter feeding and has an active Winter Feeding Advisory Committee.  Members of the WFAC include:

  • Eric Hancock, Pocatello, 208-242-9365

  • David Priestley, Preston, 339-0227

  • Dennis Caywood, Montpelier, 847-1386 or 847-2119

  • Sid Cellan, Soda Springs, 390-7057


January 27, 2017 status report

Fish and Game, with input from the Southeast Idaho Winter Feeding Advisory Committee has selected additional sites for baiting/feeding efforts in Bear Lake, Caribou, Franklin, Bannock, Bingham, Power and Oneida Counties.  The total number of feed sites is 62 (53 for deer, 7 for elk, and 2 for pronghorn).  Approximately 50 teams of volunteers are lending assistance to date.

In addition, Fish and Game has delivered approximately 20,000 feet of panels to landowners to protect haystacks from elk and deer and assisted with the installation of the barriers.

Overall Weather Conditions:  The region has received record snowfall amounts this winter, and most areas exceed snowpack criteria to justify winter feeding.  Most of the region received an additional 12-20” in the valleys during the week of January 23.  Mountain snowpacks are approaching or have already exceeded average peak depths -- depths which are usually not reached until late February or March.   Snowpacks are 151% (Portneuf/Willow Basin) and 172% (Bear River Basin) of normal.  Temperatures this week generally ranged in the teens (nighttime) and 20s (daytime).  There is a layer of ice under much of the snow in the southeast region.


Number of elk and deer at each Emergency Winter Feeding site in the Southeast Region

Seven active elk feeding sites feeding between 1500 and 2200 animals

     Bear Lake County

  • Banks Valley - 800 elk

  • Joe’s Gap (aka Ranch Hand) – 300 elk

  • Geneva - 50 elk

  • Bennington – 40 elk

     Caribou County

  • Swan Lakes – 80-250 elk

  • Burton Canyon – 150-400 elk​

  • Banida 400 elk (note: These elk appear to have dispersed.  Feeding has been suspended by staff is monitoring closely)


53 deer feeding sites feeding 5,000 – 8,700 deer

    Bear Lake County

  • Georgetown Canyon (two feed sites)– 300+ deer

  • Montpelier WMA – 200 deer

  • Skinner Canyon – 50-200 deer​

  • Lefthand Georgetown – 50-200 deer

  • Paris Canyon – 50-200 deer

  • Bloomington Canyon – 50-200 deer

  • Bloomington Dry Canyon – 50-200 deer

  • Worm Creek – 50-200 deer

  • Bagley Hollow – 50-200 deer

  • M Hill – 100-200 deer

  • 3-Mile Ranch (Smith) 100-300 deer

  • Montpelier Golf Course – 50-200 deer

  • Georgetown Narrows – 50-200 deer

  • Indian Creek (two feed sites) – 50-200 deer

  • Chokecherry – 50-200 deer

  • Ranger Dip – 50-200 deer

  • Fish Haven – 50-200 deer

  • St. Charles Dry – 50-200 deer

    Caribou County

  • 90% Canyon – 200-400 deer

  • Swenson Canyon – 50 deer

  • McPherson Canyon – 50-200 deer

    Franklin County

  • Twin Lakes (two feed sites) – 200 deer

  • Rattlesnake Hill – 50-200 deer

  • Michael Creek – 50-200 deer

  • Giraffe Road – 40 deer​

  • 8th S at Bear River – 100 deer

  • Clifton – 40 deer

  • Weston Canyon (two feed sites) – 50-400 deer

  • Mouth of the Cub River – 65 deer

  • Little Mountain – 150 deer

  • Riverdale (two feed sites) – 100-150 deer

  • Weston – 30 deer

    Bannock County

  • Downata – 500 deer

  • Old Oregon Trail – 200 deer

  • Cherry Creek – 150 deer

  • Mouth of Rapid Creek – 50-200 deer

  • West Portneuf – 50-200 deer​

  • Inkom-Reef – 100 deer​

  • Sorelle Canyon – 50-200 deer

    Bingham County

  • Springfield (three feed sites) – 400 deer

  • Tilden – 100 deer

  • Sterling – 50 deer

    Oneida County

  • Elkhorns (two feed sites) – 200 deer

  • Stone – 500 deer


Two pronghorn feeding sites feeding 400 pronghorn.

    Bingham County

  • Tilden – 100 pronghorn

    Power County

  • American Falls/Seagull Bay – 300 pronghorn

Notes about the feeding summary:  At this time, over 60 sites have been authorized by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game  for feeding mule deer, elk, and/or pronghorn in the southeast region.

Herd numbers indicated for each feed site are rough estimates and may more accurately represent the expected number of animals rather than actual counts.   IDFG has prioritized getting feed to areas of greatest need first, and will obtain more accurate counts at the sites after animals have settled in.

Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Fish and Game Department is feeding elk at two sites and has been in communication with IDFG.


Additional areas being evaluated:  Numerous additional sites are being monitored closely, and additional feeding will be initiated if needed.

Sites being monitored at this time include:

  • Bear Lake County    Pegram (deer), Rocky Point (deer), Bear Lake Plateau (deer)

  • Caribou County        10-Mile Pass (elk and deer), Fish Creek (elk), Grace (elk and deer)

  • Franklin County       Clifton and additional Westside locations (deer), Banida (elk)

  • Bannock County       Virginia (deer)

  • Bingham County       Sterling (pronghorn), Springfield (pronghorn)

WMA Emergency Closures:  The Portneuf, Georgetown Summit, and Montpelier Wildlife Management Areas are CLOSED to all recreational entry to protect wintering wildlife until April 1.

Who Do You Call About Feeding Deer and Elk?  Unauthorized winter feeding is not advised due to the problems it can create for animals, people, and habitat (see for articles and information about the emergency winter feeding program in Idaho’s southeast region).  In fact, unauthorized feeding of elk in counties that border Wyoming is unlawful per Idaho Department of Agriculture rules due to concerns with transmission of Brucellosis to livestock.  If you have concern for wintering wildlife in your area, please contact your local representative of the Winter Feeding Advisory Committee or the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

PLEASE DO NOT VISIT FEEDING SITES!    Wintering wildlife need to be disturbed as little as possible so that they can maintain as much of their fat/energy reserves as possible.   Snowmobiles and other motorized vehicles, antler hunters, cross country skiiers, sightseers, etc. move animals with their outdoor activities, even driving them from feed sites.  Furthermore, most feed sites are located on private property.