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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Otter Season Closes In Magic Valley Region

| idfg-staff

As of 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 22, 2003, a total of 20 river otters had been trapped in the Magic Valley Region and reported to the Jerome Fish and Game office. The regional quota for otters is 20; however, trappers have another 48 hours (or until 2:30 p.m., Friday, January 24) to bring in other animals for… more

Bluebird Nest Boxes Available

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - To greet the early spring arrival of Idaho's state bird, the Mountain Bluebird, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Clearwater Region is currently offering the public bluebird nest boxes for a fee of $5.00. All funds received are used to purchase additional project materials and enhance the Lewiston Wildlife… more

IDFG To Hold Scoping Meeting For Next Years Big Game Hunting Regulations

| idfg-staff

IDAHO FALLS - Just as sure as the changing of the seasons, so to is the annual changing of hunting regulations. Because nothing in nature ever stays the same for long, biologists must not only constantly monitor wildlife, but also adapt their management strategies to account for changes in habitat conditions and shifts… more

More Turkeys Than Ever Before!

| idfg-staff

MENAN - Turkey transplant operations have done so well in other portions of the state that surplus turkeys continue to pour into the Upper Snake Region. In the last week a total of 106 gobblers have been release in the region. Prior to these birds, a total of 507 turkeys have been released in the region in the two… more

Winter Waterfowl Survey Recently Conducted

| idfg-staff

LEWISTON - In cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and Army Corps of Engineers recently surveyed wintering waterfowl populations in the Lewiston-Clarkston valley. Overall, mallards were less abundant than last year, and a significant decrease in the area's Canada… more

Commission Endorses Access Concept

| idfg-staff

Meeting in Boise January 15-17, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission endorsed the concept of a new program aimed at assuring hunting and fishing access on private lands. Dubbed "Access Yes," the idea was presented to the Commission by the advisory committee whose members are appointed by the directors of Fish and Game… more

Lifetime Limit Will Not Apply to Leftovers

| idfg-staff

If a hunter fills a moose tag purchased as a leftover tag, it will no longer count against that hunter's once-in-a-lifetime Idaho moose limit. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission decided in its January 15-17 meeting in Boise to approve a department proposal to eliminate the once-in-a-lifetime limit on moose in the case… more

Trophy Hunt Numbers Set

| idfg-staff

Moose hunting opportunities continue to grow as Idaho game managers try to trim expanding populations in some areas. Meeting in Boise January 15-17, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved department recommendations to add one bull moose tag, to a total statewide of 1,004. One new hunt in Unit 58 was added and a… more

Sportsman's Expo Scheduled in Coeur d'Alene

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Wildlife Council has scheduled the seventh annual ANorth Idaho Sportsman=s Expo and Big Game Show@ for February 1-2 at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds. Show hours are Saturday, February 1 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; and Sunday, February 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost of admission is $3 for adults, persons under age 12… more

Deadline Set for Controlled Hunt Tag Pickup

| idfg-staff

Use it or lose it will be the rule for hunters who are drawn in big game controlled hunts from now on. Meeting in Boise January 15-17, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved a department proposal to set a deadline for successful applicants to purchase permits/tags in controlled hunts for elk, deer and antelope.… more

Ask Fish and Game

| idfg-staff

Q. If I put in for a nonresident southeast deer tag, can I still apply for another controlled deer hunt? A. Indeed you may. A procedure for allocating southeast deer tags (for units 75- 76, 77, and 78) works a lot like a controlled hunt, but it is not officially a controlled hunt. The new procedure is simply aimed at… more

Project Wild Workshop Offered

| idfg-staff

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has scheduled another "Project Wild" workshop for teachers and youth leaders. The workshop is scheduled for March 7-8 at Woodland Middle School in Coeur d'Alene. The workshop includes a Friday evening (4-9 p.m.) and Saturday (8a.m.-6p.m.). Space is limited, pre-registration and a $5… more

Leopards of the Kootenai Barely Hanging On

| idfg-staff

ÔLeopards' of the Kootenai Barely Hanging On The world's only species of freshwater cod, the burbot (a.k.a. ling), is barely hanging on in the Kootenai River of Idaho and British Columbia. Burbot in the Kootenai River were affectionately nicknamed the Leopards of the Kootenai because of their striking color pattern… more

Local Poachers Busted By Deer Decoy

| idfg-staff

KAMIAH - In response to numerous complaints from landowners concerning trespass and road hunting in the Kamiah area, conservation officers for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game used artificial simulated animals, known as ASAs, to apprehend two wildlife law violators. During the 2002 deer hunting season, Mathew… more

Long Gulch Pond Enhanced To Benefit Anglers

| idfg-staff

RIGGINS - In an effort to promote Idaho's fishing heritage, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game began enhancing the Long Gulch Pond near Riggins in December 2002. Initial improvements should be completed by mid-January 2003. Known as Box Canyon to many local residents, Long Gulch Pond is located between Riggins… more

IDFG Seeks Help Solving Elk Poaching

| idfg-staff

ELK RIVER - The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking information concerning the shooting and wasting of a cow elk near Elk River. The elk is thought to have been killed December 3rd or 4th, 2002, and shot from the 1963 Road in the Long Meadows area. The poachers attempted to butcher the animal, but the vast… more

Poachers: Look Over Your Shoulder

| idfg-staff

The day after Thanksgiving Fish and Game received information about an elk that had been shot, gutted and hidden under a brush pile in the Camp Nine area north of Bonners Ferry. Officer John Scott went to the site late that afternoon. Soon after arriving and hiding his truck Scott noticed someone walking near the… more

Hunting Available in New Year

| idfg-staff

Though most hunting seasons ended with the New Year, hunters willing to brave the winter weather still have opportunities at a variety of game. Chukar and gray partridge seasons end January 15, with goose and duck seasons closing January 24. Crow season lasts through January 31, and falconers can hunt upland birds… more