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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Mule deer buck shot within Salmon city limits

| idfg-mdemick

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking information regarding the illegal killing of a young mule deer buck within the city limits of Salmon.

On Friday July 24, Idaho Fish and Game received a call about a young mule deer buck located in the 300 block of North St. Charles Street. The deer was reported… more

Sandhill crane and swan tags available August 1

| idfg-bpearson

Hunters are reminded that Sandhill crane tags and swan tags will be available first-come, first-served starting at 10 a.m. MDT, August 1 at Fish and Game offices, license vendors, online at, or by calling 800-554-8685.

Because Aug. 1 falls on a Saturday, hunters will will not… more

Blue Mountain Meadow Pond stocked with Jack Chinook Salmon

| idfg-mdemick

Personnel from Idaho Fish and Game's Sawtooth Hatchery released approximately 75 jack Chinook Salmon in Blue Mountain Meadow Pond in Challis Friday, July 24.

"This will make for some great fishing, as jacks are very feisty and make excellent table fare,” said Greg Schoby, Fish and Game Fisheries… more

Farragut Shooting Range Center looking for volunteer Range Safety Officers

| idfg-jkunkle

Become a volunteer NRA certified, Range Safety Officer for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

The Department will pay for your initial course and subsequent recertifications. Other related training courses are offered as well.

You must volunteer to work the range at least twice a month, attend… more

30,000 channel catfish stocked across Idaho’s lakes and reservoirs

| idfg-tthompson

Channel catfish raised at a Magic Valley aquaculture business were recently stocked across Idaho to provide opportunity for anglers to catch these fish and put food on their tables. Stocking locations ranged from Lake Cocollala in northern Idaho to the Rexburg City Pond in eastern Idaho, with… more

Buy it or lose it: Hunters must buy 2020 big game controlled hunt tags by Aug. 1

| idfg-bpearson

If you are a hunter who was successful in the 2020 controlled hunt drawing, don't forget to purchase your controlled hunt tag by Aug. 1.

Successful applicants must purchase their controlled hunt tags by midnight MDT on Aug. 1 or their tags will be forfeited. All unclaimed tags, along with controlled hunt tags… more

Anglers' help needed for second year of wild steelhead study

| idfg-bpearson

Steelhead anglers are once again asked to watch for tagged steelhead they might catch during the 2020-21 steelhead fishing seasons, and report tagged fish if they catch one.

Idaho Fish and Game and the University of Idaho are moving into the second year of a research project to study how often anglers catch… more

Visit Idaho's Great Lakes for some of the 'best of the best' fishing

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho is world-famous for its quality fishing, which includes not only a wide variety of species, but different types of waters. Those include Idaho’s “Great Lakes,” which are not only large in size, but also provide excellent and/or unique fishing opportunities for trophy-sized fish. In most cases, they also provide… more

Idaho Fish and Game Commission to meet July 22-23 in Idaho Falls

| idfg-bpearson

The Fish and Game Commission will meet in person in Idaho Falls on July 22-23, with the public hearing starting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 22, in the Grand Teton Event Center, 3910 South Yellowstone Highway. People can address the Commission about agenda items or any matters related to Fish and Game.  

The… more

F&G biologists are back to sampling and tagging fish at Lower Granite Dam

| idfg-mdobos

Because of everything going on these days, IDFG's Lower Granite Dam sampling projects were suspended this spring. But, with some planning and coordination, our crew was able to return and resume adult salmon and steelhead trapping at the beginning of July. Summer-run steelhead which return to Idaho… more

Upper Salmon River closes for Chinook fishing effective immediately

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho Fish and Game has closed salmon fishing effectively immediately on the Upper Salmon River to protect wild Chinook salmon. Effects on wild Chinook salmon from catch-and-release impacts of non-tribal fisheries and direct harvest by tribal fisheries have met the allowable take approved through Endangered Species… more

Idaho hunters who applied for controlled hunts are eligible to buy capped elk zone tags starting at 10 a.m. MDT on July 15

| idfg-rphillips

Idaho resident hunters who applied for big game hunts and were subject to the five-day waiting period to buy a capped elk zone tag are reminded they are eligible to buy capped zone tags starting at 10 a.m. MDT on Wednesday, July 15, and many of those zones are likely to sell out fast. Hunters can buy tags online, in… more

Fish and Game hatchery manager retires after 35 years of providing fish to Idaho anglers

| idfg-tthompson

If you’ve fished in Idaho over the last 35 years, odds are that you’ve caught a fish that came from a hatchery where Joe Chapman worked or managed. Earlier this month, Chapman retired from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game after a career that spanned 35 years and included him working at or managing seven fish… more

Loff's Bay boat launch reopens July 13

| Anonymous (not verified)

The Loff's Bay access site on Lake Coeur d'Alene will reopen to the public on July 13 at 2 p.m.

In coordination with Kootenai County, the access site was temporarily closed for wreckage recovery work following the July 5 plane crash in Lake Coeur d'Alene.

Explore Snow Peak Wildlife Management Area

| idfg-vosborn

Snow Peak Wildlife Management Area is a backcountry hunting and fishing destination. It takes a bit of effort to get to the main trailhead but once you arrive there are fifty miles of trail to explore this rugged and exclusively non-motorized WMA.

The primary goal of Snow Peak management is improving year-… more

F&G biologists move Snake River catfish into Southwest Idaho community ponds for anglers

| idfg-bpearson

Every year, fisheries biologists transport catfish from the Snake River to community ponds around Southwest Idaho. 

This year, they captured and transported nearly 150 catfish between July 6-10 and stocked them into Hoseshoe Bend Mill Pond, Sawyers Pond, Ed's Pond, Kleiner Pond,… more

Another $1,000 reward tag turns up in Pend Oreille walleye lottery

| Anonymous (not verified)

A fisherman from Priest River won $1,000 after catching a reward-tagged walleye in the Lake Pend Oreille Angler Incentive Program. Leon Russell caught his winning fish in early July in the lower reaches of the Priest River.


The reward fish was tagged… more

July 16 is last day to comment on proposed fall Chinook seasons for Clearwater, Snake and Salmon rivers

| idfg-bpearson

The 2020 adult fall Chinook Salmon return past Lower Granite Dam is projected to be around 15,000 adults with about 5,500 of these being natural origin. These run sizes will allow a harvest of over 3,000 adult salmon, which is considerably more than was provided during our spring Chinook Salmon seasons.

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