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Idaho Fish and Game


July 16 is last day to comment on proposed fall Chinook seasons for Clearwater, Snake and Salmon rivers


Proposed fall seasons would provide more harvest opportunity than anglers had in the spring

The 2020 adult fall Chinook Salmon return past Lower Granite Dam is projected to be around 15,000 adults with about 5,500 of these being natural origin. These run sizes will allow a harvest of over 3,000 adult salmon, which is considerably more than was provided during our spring Chinook Salmon seasons.


Fish and Game fisheries managers are gathering public comments about fall Chinook salmon season proposals that describe how seasons and limits could be implemented in the Salmon, Snake and Clearwater rivers.


More information, including proposed opening dates, closing dates, fishing days, and bag limits can be found at Fish and Game's Surveys and Comment Opportunities page:


There are separate comment forms for the Clearwater River season proposals and the Salmon/Snake rivers season proposals. The deadline to comment is Thursday, July 16.