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Idaho Fish and Game

Press Releases and Articles

Lost Valley Reservoir Trout Improvement Project Planned

| Anonymous (not verified)

Lost Valley Reservoir, located 16 miles north of Council Idaho, is nearly dry and Fish and Game plans to take advantage of that condition to improve trout populations at the popular fishing hole.

The Lost Valley Reservoir Company has lowered the reservoir to the lowest pool possible for outlet valve repairs… more

Hunters convicted and sentenced in conspiracy poaching case

| Anonymous (not verified)

The first four of eleven defendants named in an Adams County wildlife poaching conspiracy case have recently been found guilty or pleaded guilty to charges against them.

Tyler Dutton (23) of Caldwell was convicted by a jury of his peers in July and sentenced in August. Misdemeanor charges against Dutton… more

Sept. 26: Updates on fires, controlled burns planned for SW Idaho

| idfg-rphillips

Wet weather throughout Idaho, including snow at higher elevations, has largely ended the active fire season, but some closures could still remain in some areas, particularly the Clearwater Region, which had the most fires this summer. 

Please follow links for more details. 

F&G has more… more

Fall Chinook fishing on Clearwater and Snake rivers. (9/26/17)

| idfg-vosborn

On the Snake River at the Confluence, there has been an increase to the number of fall Chinook harvested this week. The majority of the harvest has been  un-clipped jacks, a few hatchery jacks, and this week we checked several hatchery adults. The greatest fall Chinook fishing effort has been at the Confluence, but… more

Chukar hunters get off to good start in the Clearwater and Southwest regions

| idfg-rphillips

Upland bird hunting has started in many areas of the state and reports are trickling in about fair to good hunting for chukars in a couple of popular areas: Lower Hells Canyon and the Owyhee Desert. 

Chukar season opened Sept. 16, and upland game currently available for hunters include forest grouse,… more

Sharp-tailed grouse season opens October 1

| idfg-mdemick

The sharp-tailed grouse season opens October 1 and runs through October 31, with a daily bag limit of two birds and a possession limit of six.

The season is open only in eastern Idaho in these areas: Bingham and Clark counties east of Interstate 15, Franklin, Fremont, Jefferson County east of Interstate 15,… more

Decoys to be used to nab poachers

| idfg-mdemick

Hunters have long used wildlife decoys in pursuit of game. Wildlife officers also use decoys to detect wildlife violations.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game reminds hunters that in areas where the department receives complaints or reports of suspicious activity, officers may use ‘artificial simulated… more

Wildlife CSI - Panhandle elk mortality study

| idfg-lwolf

The Panhandle region placed 172 GPS radio-collars on 6-month old elk calves in the Coeur d’Alene and St. Joe River drainages since 2015.  A couple reasons we collared so many elk was to determine survival rates and for those elk that didn’t make it, find out why they died.

The GPS collars have a signal… more

Sockeye return slightly exceeds expectations, but second-lowest in a decade

| idfg-rphillips

In a challenging year for salmon and steelhead returns, Idaho's most endangered salmon fared a little better than expected with 157 of them trapped in the Sawtooth Basin this summer.

"We are very pleased with this return given the estimate of only about 400 Idaho sockeye  made it to… more

Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule

| Anonymous (not verified)

Personnel from Fish and Game's Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 28,500 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during October. Local ponds are the primary focus of this stocking effort due to milder weather and correspondingly cooler water temperatures.


Where can I hunt with my extra antlerless white-tailed deer tag?

| Anonymous (not verified)

There were 1,600 extra antlerless white-tailed deer tags issued through controlled hunts in the Panhandle in units of 1, 2, 3,… more

Youth Pheasant Clinic planned in Genesee

| idfg-jbruns

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is pleased to host an annual youth pheasant clinic on Saturday, October 7, 2017, in Genesee, ID. This event is open to youths aged 10-16 that have completed hunter education and possess a valid 2017 hunting license.

Participants will meet at 8:30 a… more

Youth steelhead fishing clinic to be held in Lewiston

| idfg-jbruns

Young anglers ages 8-14 are invited to participate in the annual Steelhead Fishing Clinic to be held Thursday, October 26 from 6:00-8:00 pm and Saturday, October 28 from 8:00 am-3:00 pm. Both events will be held at the Idaho Fish and Game regional office at 3316 16th Street in Lewiston.

Life… more

Fall chinook offer a chance to catch and keep big fish

| idfg-rphillips

While there’s disappointment over no harvest for steelhead due to a low return this fall, anglers can still catch big, hard-fighting fish and get a generous bag limit. 

The fall Chinook fishing season is in full swing, and mid September is the peak period to catch them in the Lewiston area, and… more

F&G director elected president of national fish and wildlife organization

| idfg-rphillips

The Association of Fish… more

Clagstone Set to Open 9/22

| idfg-jteare

With recent rains and the lifting of fire restrictions across the Panhandle Stimson Lumber Company, IDL and IDFG will be opening, for the first time, the 8,847 acre Clagstone Public Access area this Friday the 22nd of September. The area will be open year-round for a variety of non-motorized recreational opportunities… more

2017 sage grouse check station data

| idfg-khatch

JEROME – Sage grouse hunters on the Saturday opener were a little down from last year in the Magic Valley.

The Shoshone Basin check station talked to 69 hunters, that harvested 27 sage grouse, it took hunters an average of 9.81 hours per bird, for 40 percent success.

In 2016, 62 hunters took… more

Godde / Mica Bay Access Program To Reopen Friday September 22nd

| idfg-lwolf

Due to the recent moisture, and lifting of area fire restrictions, the Godde / Mica Bay Land Company Access Program is set to reopen. Access to this private property is granted by permit only, and the permits can be obtained at the Panhandle Regional Fish… more