With recent rains and the lifting of fire restrictions across the Panhandle Stimson Lumber Company, IDL and IDFG will be opening, for the first time, the 8,847 acre Clagstone Public Access area this Friday the 22nd of September. The area will be open year-round for a variety of non-motorized recreational opportunities to include hunting, trapping and hiking. The public will need to self-register daily at one of the three access sites before entering the property. Please refer and adhere to all the access rules that are posted at each site and on the back of the registration card. Clagstone Meadows is still private property and very much working commercial timber lands. Please respect Stimson’s lands, forest operations, equipment, and infrastructure and the closed Stimson Reserve area. Please be safe and enjoy the natural resources the Clagstone Ranch has to offer. Feel free to contact IDFG at 208-769-1414 if you have any questions.

Clagstone Set to Open 9/22